Консультация № 162503
16.03.2009, 16:04
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Часть 1
I Read the article and find the sentences which are true to the text.
1. You can enhance the "quality" of earnings if you develop relationships with key customers.
2. Financial reporting and transparent accounting policies are necessary for running a successful business.
3. Flexibility is reconsidering large capital investments and non-core assets.
4. Compliance issues can be discussed after negotiations.
5. It is better not to consider buyers overseas.
6. Never be late.
7. Even if some of the shareholders disagree, you can take serious decisions.
II. Find the synonyms in the text to the words and phrases below.
to enlarge —
price —
income —
main clients —
to possess —
sort out —
before —
at the beginning —
abroad —
talks —
partial sales —
III. Find the words in the article to complete the following statements.
1. When a businessman develops relationships with key customers, he__________the profit.
2. It is very difficult to_______/ a company successfully.
3. If you don't have your own office,__________ it from
somebody else.
4. I saw many firms which lost their customers because people didn't have__________to them any more.
5. Businessmen who resolve all the questions_________
are the most successful.
6. Investigate the market, may be its__________are bad
at the moment.
7. Consult specialists and___________advice about potential sales.
8. Any inaccuracies are sure to come to light and will make a buyer__________the price.
IV. Complete the following sentences using the information from the text.
1. You will enhance the "quality" of earnings if...
2. Flexibility in running the business means....
3. If your best manager leaves the company, the best thing is...
4. It is useful to resolve all the questions concerning business assets and taxes in advance because ...
5. If you consult professional advisers at the outset, it ...
6. Don't use only buyers of your country, you can ...
7. Sell the excitement and enthusiasm of business, because ...


I. Say if these sentences are True (T) or False (F) using the information from the text. Correct the false ones.
1. It is possible to avoid competition in some cases.
2. There is no competition in monopolistic situation.
3. Monopolistic competition is common for developed economies.
4. In monopolistic competition marketing managers try to create some details of the product to differentiate it from similar ones.
5. There is a small number of competitors in pure competition.
6. In pure competition profit margins become smaller and smaller.
7. Governments can't control monopolies.
II. Find the answers to the following questions.
1. Why does the competition exist in monopolistic situation?
a) because competitors can't control the situation in its "own" target market
b) because the customers choose different products every time
c) because some customers consider different products as substitutes
2. How does Clorox Bleach try to avoid competition?
a) they use different basic chemicals
b) they make a better pouring spout and produce good TV ads
c) they imitate the new ideas of competitors
3. What is a monopoly situation?
a) it is when competitors offer very similar products
b) when each competitor tries to get a monopoly in its "own" target market
c) when one company completely controls a broad product-market
III. Match the ends (below) of the sentences to their beginnings.
1. Most marketing managers in developed economies...
2. Efforts to promote subtle differences of the product...
3. If potential customers see different products as essentially similar...
4. In pure competition profit margins shrink until...
5. Marketing managers can't...
6. Governments usually...
7. There are four basic kinds of market situations:
A. pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and monopoly.
B. regulate monopolies.
С they are just high enough to keep the most efficient firms in business.
D. meet monopolistic competition.
E. may not do any good effect.
F. the marker will become more and more competitive.
G.take some marketing strategy being used by other firms.
IV. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases. Recollect the sentences of the text where they were used.
competitive environment; to affect; to face; to avoid competition; customers; inevitable; pure; substitute; demand curve; bleach; pouring spout; stain-killing power; better shelf positions, subtle; margin; to shrink; sensible; uniquely; breakthrough, to approve; to operate; to move away from.
V. Find the synonyms in the text to the following words and phrases.
the world around you — to influence — to meet — to get rid of— invisible — to decrease — reasonable — suggestion — to work —
VI. Make these sentences shorter using the Gerund. One has been done for you.
Marketing managers for Clorox may help to set it apart from other bleaches if they produce ads that demonstrate its stain-killing power.
Marketing managers for Clorox may help to set it apart from other bleaches by producing ads that demonstrate its stain-killing power.
1. You will learn a lot about market situations if you read this text.
2. The firm will be able to differentiate its product from the similar one when it creates some new details.
3. The government commonly regulate monopolies be cause they approve prices set by utility companies.
4. He raised his working capital, when he issued a common stock.
5. The manager will find a way out if he obtains a specialist's recommendation.
VII. Answer the questions.
1. What is the competitive environment?
2. How many basic kinds of competitive situations do you know?
3. What is monopolistic competition?
4. Who faces monopolistic competition very often?
5. How do marketing managers sometimes try to differentiate similar products? Give an example.
6. Do subtle differences always work? Why?
7. What kind of competition do the most product-markets head toward according to the economist's traditional view?
8. Why do competitive firms compete with lower and lower prices in oligopoly?
9. What are monopoly situations?
10. Why are monopoly situations rare in market-directed economies?
VIII. Translate the conversation between Ann, director of a successful company and her acquaintance. What kind of competition did Ann face?
J. Привет! He ожидал встретить тебя здесь! Прекрасно выглядишь! Слышал, что у тебя
преуспевающая компания.
А. Это правда. Хотя налоги мы платим вовремя, прибыль у нас есть.
J Значит, у тебя нет никаких проблем?
А. К сожалению, проблема есть и очень большая. Это конкуренция. Наша компания старалась
избежать ее, но она неизбежна! /. Правда? А я слышал о фирмах, которые полностью контролируют рынок. А. Ты, наверное, говоришь о монополистической ситуации. Но это — редкость для рыночной
экономики. Кроме того, государство полностью контролирует монополии. Например, во
многих государствах цены компаний должны быть одобрены государственными учреждениями. J.Ac какой ситуацией столкнулась ты? А. С чистой конкуренцией. Мы конкурируем с компаниями, которые предлагают подобный товар.
Самой большой проблемой является то, что покупатели воспринимают различные товары как
замену друг другу. J. А можно найти какой-нибудь выход? А. В общем, да. Например, понизить цену или найти какую-нибудь особенность, которая бы
отличала наш товар от других. Но небольшие отличия не всегда помогают. Наши менеджеры
по продажам как раз сейчас работают над этим. J. Ну что ж, удачи тебе!
IX. Write a dialogue
Student A. You are going to be interviewed as a potential marketing manager. You know that one of the questions will be about different types of competition but you are not good at it. Your friend is an expert in this question. Ask him to help you. Ask as many questions as you can.
Student B. You know basic kinds of competition rather well because you did some research work about it. Explain what it is to your friend.
8. The price will go up, if ...
V. Write a dialogue between a professional adviser and a young businessman who is eager to succeed.
Student A. You have been working as a professional adviser for many years. Discuss with your client the questions of accounting policy and its reporting, the ways of reconsidering capital, the ways of conducting important negotiations.
Student B. You are rather young but own a large company. Your aim is to increase the business at first and then to sell it. Ask how you can build a good price and where you should look for potential purchasers. Don't forget to ask when and how you must solve compliance issues.
Both of you are pressed for time. Your conversation mustn't be too long.


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