Консультация № 162504
16.03.2009, 16:07
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Часть 2.
I Find and correct false sentences.
1. To better understand why consumers buy as they do, many marketers turn to the behavioral sciences for help.
2. It is rather practical to try to catalog all the detailed possibilities for every different market situation.
3. There are no general behavioral principles that marketing managers can apply to learn more about their specific target markets.
4. Economic men are people who know all facts and logically compare choices in terms of cost and value received to get the greatest satisfaction from spending their
time and money.
5. Most consumers do not want their money to stretch as far as it can.
6. Marketing managers must not be alert to new ways to appeal to economic needs. If. the customers really need to buy something, they will do it anyway.
7. "Poverty of time" is not the problem consumers face nowadays.
8. Promotion can inform consumers about their choices.
9. A product that one person sees as a good value is of no interest to someone else.
10. Most marketing managers think that buyer behavior is as simple as the economic-man model
II. Match the beginnings of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text.
1. How and why a given consumer buys a specific brand of shampoo...
2. Consumers must at least have ...
. 3. Most consumers appreciate firms that ...
4. Improved value does not just mean ...
5. Carefully planned place decisions can ...
6. The "economic value" that a purchase offers ...
7. A product that one person is eager to buy ...
A. make it easier and faster for customers to make a purchase;
B. offer them improved value for the money they spend;
С a customer is an important factor in many purchase decisions;
D. income to be in a market;
E. is of no interest to someone else
F. offering lower and lower prices;
G. may be different from how that same consumer buys motor oil;
III. Complete the sentences using the text
1. To better understand why consumers buy as they do ...
2. There are general behavioral principles that ...
3. Economic men are people who ...
4. Economic needs are concerned with ...
5. Some economic needs are ...
6. A "poverty of time" is ...
7. Promotion can inform consumers about ...
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. What behavioral sciences do you know?
2. What do you think can affect a person's buying behavior?
3. Who are economic men?
4. What are major economic needs?
5. Why must marketing managers be alert?
6. How can promotion help customers?
7. What influences your personal purchase decision?
V. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases.
Behavioral, target market, convenience, poverty, surroundings, efficiency, benefit, attitude, approach, frameworks, to guide, general, dependability, to judge, in terms of, countless.
VI. Next to the sentences below write a word or a phrase from the text which you can use instead of the word or words in italics.
1. There are uncountable possibilities for consumers to satisfy their needs.
2. It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of good promotion.
3. There are no limits in using behavioral sciences in marketing.
4. Your feelings and attitudes will lead you to the product you need and deserve.
5. This way of solving the problem is the most efficient.
VII. Translate into English a common consumer's opinion about what people buy and why. Give your comments. Agree or disagree with his statements. Use the active vocabulary.
Я уверен, что многие покупатели даже не задумываются, почему они покупают то, что покупают. Если же спросить их об этом, то некоторые скажут, что они ищут цены пониже. Другие ответят, что готовы платить больше за удобство и качество. Для меня же важна надежность в использовании. Среди бесчисленных товаров, предлагаемых сегодня, покупатель должен быть особенно бдительным, так как качество многих из них недопустимое. Кроме того, я выбираю только те магазины, где отношение персонала к покупателю безупречное. К сожалению, магазинов с таким сервисом еще очень мало, но у них больше преимуществ и неплохой доход.


I. Say if these sentences are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones.
1. It is easy to define what a wholesaler is.
2. Some of the wholesalers' activities can resemble those of manufacturing.
3. Wholesalers are firms whose main function is delivering goods.
4. Wholesaling functions are buying and selling at low price.
5.. A key part of wholesaler's strategy is taking decisions about what combination of functions to perform.
6. The main reason small customers use wholesalers rather than buying directly from producers is that wholesalers can anticipate their needs.
7. If you use a wholesaler, you don't need any other middlemen.
II. Find the answers to these questions.
1. When are producers considered to be wholesalers?
a) when they deliver goods
b) when they sell the output at the lowest possible cost
c) when they set up branch warehouse at separate lo cations
2. Why do small customers use wholesalers rather than buying directly from producers?
a) because wholesalers help them how to install products
b) because they transfer title to products
c) because they give credit to customers
3. How do wholesalers cut the producer's warehousing expenses?
a) they store inventory themselves
b) they supply a producer with capital
c) they speed the whole buying and selling process
III. Match the beginnings of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text.
1. It's hard to define what a wholesaler is because ...
2. Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments ...
3. Wholesaling functions are ...
4. To anticipate needs means ...
5. When wholesalers provide part of the buying function
6. Wholesalers speed the whole buying and selling process because ...
7. When producers-suppliers use wholesalers ...

A. their warehousing expenses are cut.
B. buying, selling, grading, storing, transporting, financing, risk taking and gathering market information. С there is no need for other middlemen.
D. there are so many wholesalers doing different jobs.
E. which sell to retailers and other merchants and/or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users, but who do not sell in large amounts to final consumers.
F. potential customers don't have to hunt for supply sources.
G. to forecast customers' demands and buy accordingly.
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. How do some wholesalers call themselves?
2. What is the definition for wholesaling of the U.S. Bureau of the Census?
3. How would you define wholesalers?
4. Are producers who take over wholesaling activities considered to be wholesalers?
5. What are basic wholesaling functions?
6. What does "to regroup goods" mean?
7. Can wholesalers perform any financing function? Describe it if any.
8. How can wholesalers speed the whole buying and selling process?
9. Do wholesalers benefit producers-suppliers? How?
V. Find the synonyms to the following words and phrases.
institution —
to organize, to found —
storage —
in different places —
selection —
to equip — quickly — to give — to look for — production —
VI. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases.
купец; производитель; деятельность; учреждение; потребитель; большой магазин; в разных местах; сортировка; хранение; ассортимент; предвидеть; снабжать; оборудовать; быстро; предоставлять кредит; устанавливать; искать; ускорение; приносить пользу; продукция; инвентарь
VII. Match the verbs in the column A to the nouns in the column B.
A(set up,perform,grade,anticipate,carry,install,hunt for,speed)
VIII. Write the following dialogues. Use the active vocabulary.
Student А, В, C... You are customers who have doubts if it is profitable to buy from a wholesaler. Meet your friend who is an experienced wholesaler and find out what advantages you will have if you use him or someone of his partners. Ask as many questions as you can.
Student D. You are a wholesaler. Your task is to convince your friends that they can benefit if they buy
products from you. Name all the activities which will help your customers to have a profitable deal.


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