Консультация № 159605
04.02.2009, 14:23
0.00 руб.
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The Krasnoyarsk region, an area four times the size of France, populated by only 3 million people, is packed with natural resources, holding 99.9 percent of all Russian platinum, 65 percent of its nickel, 30 percent of copper and coal, 20 percent of lead and 10 percent of gold. Non-ferrous metallurgy is the backbone of the Krasnoyarsk region. Polyus Gold, the country's largest gold miner, and metals giant Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest palladium miner, are among the pillars of the local economy.

The Krasnoyarsk Nonferrous Metals Plant, a top-secret enterprise known by its Soviet-era acronym Krastsvetmet, was built by gulag slaves during World War II and soon presented its first platinum and palladium ingots. Six decades later, it works closely with the West. It boasts state-of-the-art workshops equipped with western machinery and is trying to adapt to market economics. Today Krastsvetmet, in eastern Siberia, refines about 80 tons of gold per year, roughly half of Russia's output, and processes a tiny fraction of the country's platinum-group metals. Silver refining is forecast to jump tenfold from around 100 tons annually at present. Krastsvetmet, employing 3,200 workers, is a joint stock company but 100 persent-owned by the Krasnoyarsk regional government.

But the harsh climate and huge distances (4,000 kilometers away from European and Asian markets) are the greatest disadvantage. There's only one way out - to produce competitive output. Diversification has become Krastsvetmet's motto. To cushion possible fluctuations in metal prices, the plant launched its own jewelry manufacture in 1994. Hundreds of sophisticated machines work round-the-clock, 365 days per year, churning out kilometers of gold chains and bracelents.

II. Определите являются ли подчеркнутые формы to be, to have, to do самостоятельными или вспомогательными. Переведите предложения. Определите видовременную форму, т.е. время и залог сказуемых.
1. Landscape design is coming into fashion.
2. People do not just buy a suburban mansion; they also buy a large amount of territory around it.
3. Contemporary plots of land in St. Petersburg have everything - regular gardens, landscape parks and Japanese yards.


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