Консультация № 200098
16.01.2021, 00:27
0.00 руб.
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Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в прямой речи.
When Alec and Bob met Alec said that he had some questions about the computer interface. So he wanted Bob to explain some aspects to him. Bob answered in the positive. The first question Alec asked concerned the notion of an interface. He added that people often used the English equivalent of that term and seemed not to differentiate between the types of interfaces. Bob explained that the interface was an interconnection between hardware, software and people. When Alec inquired what hardware interface consisted of Bob told that that type of the interface consisted of physical channels, cables, or wires that connected and exchanged electronic signals between CPU and peripherals or between any two units. Then Alec was interested to learn what software interfaces connected in particular and Bob told that they were specific messages established between programs. Alec remembered that software interfaces were application programs, Data Base Management Systems and the operating programs. He thanked Bob and added that he felt ready to pass his exam in programming successfully.


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