Консультация № 177433
24.03.2010, 08:46
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Здравствуйте уважаемые эксперты.
Употребите вместо глаголов причастия. Изменяйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо.
1. When he was running across the yard, he fell.
2. When I was going home yesterday, I kept thing about my friend.
3. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars which were passing by.
4. She closed the book, put it aside and looked at the children who were running about in the yard.
5. As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.
6. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk.
7. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it.


24.03.2010, 11:03
это ответ
Здравствуйте, kalim.
1. He fell while running.
2. While going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend.
3. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars passing by.
4. She closed the book, put it aside and looked at the children running about in the yard.
5. Being translated into Russian, the book could be read by everybody.
6. Having done my homework I shall go for a walk.
7. Having bought the book I shall begin reading it.

Good luck. :)
24.03.2010, 22:16
это ответ
Здравствуйте, kalim.
1. He fell while running across the yard.
2. While going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend.
3. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars passing by.
4. She closed the book, put it aside and looked at the children running about in the yard.
5. Being translated into Russian, the book could be read by everybody.
6. Having done my homework I shall go for a walk.
7. Having bought the book, I shall begin reading it.
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