Консультация № 177427
24.03.2010, 07:16
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Здравствуйте уважаемые эксперты.
Вставьте модальные глаголы:
may или can
1. Take your raincoat you: it … rain today.
2. Do you think you … do that?
3. … we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon?
4. What time is it? –It … be about six o’clock.
5. Only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a question.
may(might) или can(could)
6. … you help me?
7. I … not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy.
8. Something was wrong with the car: he … not start it.
9. A fool … ask more questions that a wise man … answer.
10. She asked me if she … use my telephone.


24.03.2010, 07:24
это ответ
Здравствуйте, kalim.
1. Take your raincoat you: it may rain today.
2. Do you think you can do that?
3. May we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon?
4. What time is it? –It may be about six o’clock.
5. Only a person who knows the language very well can answer such a question.
may(might) или can(could)
6. Could you help me?
7. I could not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy.
8. Something was wrong with the car: he could not start it.
9. A fool may ask more questions that a wise man can answer.
10. She asked me if she might use my telephone.
24.03.2010, 21:46
это ответ
Здравствуйте, kalim.
1. Take your raincoat you: it may rain today.
2. Do you think you can do that?
3. Can we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon?
4. What time is it? –It may be about six o’clock.
5. Only a person who knows the language very well can answer such a question.
may(might) или can(could)
6. Can you help me?
7. I can not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy.
8. Something was wrong with the car: he can not start it.
9. A fool can ask more questions that a wise man may answer.
10. She asked me if she may use my telephone.
Форма ответа