Консультация № 55451
14.09.2006, 15:39
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Здравствуйте, UNIX-ГУРУ :-)
Такой вопрос, у меня FreeBSD-6.0p2. Необходимо установить пакет nxserver150.20051221.tbz
Делаю так, pkg_add -r nxserver150.20051221.tbz, но из-за того, что у меня очень медленный канал напрямуя, я получаю ошибку pkg_add: unable to fetch ‘ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.1-release/Latest/./.#prj/nxserver150.20051221.tgz‘ by URL
Я прописал в .cshrc такие строки:
setenv http_proxy = http://username:password@server:port/
setenv ftp_proxy = http://username:pasword@server:port/
Правильно ли я сделал, если использую в качестве shell не csh, а bash?
И вообще, нужно ли что-то править в ports-supfile? Если я делаю pkg_add -r? А то его вообще не трогал.
Что посдкажите?
Заранее спасибо.

ports-supfile:# $FreeBSD: src/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile,v 1.33 2004/12/19 02:31:45 brueffer Exp $## This file contains all of the "CVSup collections" that make up the# FreeBSD-current ports collection.## CVSup (CVS Update Protocol) allows you to download the latest CVS# tree (or any branch of development therefrom) to your system easily# and efficiently (far more so than with sup, which CVSup is aimed# at replacing). If you‘re running CVSup interactively, and are# currently using an X display server, you should run CVSup as follows# to keep your CVS tree up-to-date:## cvsup ports-supfile## If not running X, or invoking cvsup from a non-interactive script, then# run it as follows:## cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile## You may wish to change some of the settings in this file to better# suit your system:## host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org# This specifies the server host which will supply the# file updates. You must change it to one of the CVSup# mirror sites listed in the FreeBSD Handbook at# http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.# You can override this setting on the command line# with cvsup‘s "-h host" option.## base=/var/db# This specifies the root where CVSup will store information# about the collections you have transferred to your system.# A setting of "/var/db" will generate this information in# /var/db/sup. Even if you are CVSupping a large number of# collections, you will be hard pressed to generate more than# ~1MB of data in this directory. You can override the# "base" setting on the command line with cvsup‘s "-b base"# option. This directory must exist in order to run CVSup.## prefix=/usr# This specifies where to place the requested files. A# setting of "/usr" will place all of the files requested# in "/usr/ports" (e.g., "/usr/ports/devel", "/usr/ports/lang").# The prefix directory must exist in order to run CVSup.# Defaults that apply to all the collections## IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites# listed at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.*default host=cvsup13.FreeBSD.org*default base=/var/db*default prefix=/usr*default release=cvs tag=.*default delete use-rel-suffix# If you seem to be limited by CPU rather than network or disk bandwidth, try# commenting out the following line. (Normally, today‘s CPUs are fast enough# that you want to run compression.)*default compress## Ports Collection.## The easiest way to get the ports tree is to use the "ports-all"# mega-collection. It includes all of the individual "ports-*"# collections,ports-all# These are the individual collections that make up "ports-all". If you# use these, be sure to comment out "ports-all" above.## Be sure to ALWAYS cvsup the ports-base collection if you use any of the# other individual collections below. ports-base is a mandatory collection# for the ports collection, and your ports may not build correctly if it# is not kept up to date.#ports-base#ports-accessibility#ports-arabic#ports-archivers#ports-astro#ports-audio#ports-benchmarks#ports-biology#ports-cad#ports-chinese#ports-comms#ports-converters#ports-databases#ports-deskutils#ports-devel#ports-dns#ports-editors#ports-emulators#ports-finance#ports-french#ports-ftp#ports-games#ports-german#ports-graphics#ports-hebrew#ports-hungarian#ports-irc#ports-japanese#ports-java#ports-korean#ports-lang#ports-mail#ports-math#ports-mbone#ports-misc#ports-multimedia#ports-net#ports-net-mgmt#ports-news#ports-palm#ports-polish#ports-portuguese#ports-print#ports-russian#ports-science#ports-security#ports-shells#ports-sysutils#ports-textproc#ports-ukrainian#ports-vietnamese#ports-www#ports-x11#ports-x11-clocks#ports-x11-fm#ports-x11-fonts#ports-x11-servers#ports-x11-themes#ports-x11-toolkits#ports-x11-wm


14.09.2006, 15:47
это ответ
Здравствуйте, Heinrich!
если bash то заменить setenv на export. А при чем тут порты к пакетам? Кстати если плохо качается, то поставьте wget и используйте с докачкой или просто скачайте файл и потом установите его. Кстати файл который вы редактировали используется для cvsup, а это обнорвления дерево портов, а не установка портов или пакетов
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