Консультация № 58683
12.10.2006, 16:17
0.00 руб.
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Access denied to ‘c:\inetpub\wwwroot\LogicPC\web.config‘. Failed to start monitoring file changes - poluchila soobchenie pri popitke otkrit proekt v browsere iz visual studio 2003. ranshe proekt otkrivalsa bez problem v VS2003, a posle nekotorih ispravlenii perestal - t. e. permitions ne meniala. pomogite, esli stalkivalis s podobnoi problemoi.


12.10.2006, 16:50
это ответ
Здравствуйте, Peni2001!
The proper permissions have not been set for the Web site or virtual directory. ASP.NET requires read, execute, and list access for the ASPNET account (the Aspnet_wp.exe process account) on the root Web site or on any virtual directory. These settings are necessary so that ASP.NET can access the content files and can monitor file changes. To correct this problem, follow the steps in the following procedure.

От себя. Проверьте наличия полного доступа к папке c:\inetpub\wwwroot\LogicPC для пользователей ASPNET и IUSR_ComputerName
Форма ответа