Консультация № 173969
04.11.2009, 19:56
0.00 руб.
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Здраствуйте. Вот хотел сегодня поиграть Call OF Duty 4 по локалке так там почемуто не берётся сетевая игра. Тоисть она берётся но не запускается вискакивает какая то ошибка. По том я хотел поиграть Call OF Duty 5 по локалке скачал ботов к ней а они не работают. И ещё у меня версия 1.0.87x может из за того эти боты не работают, если да то то где скачать патчи или обновление. Качал я PEZBOT: http://www.playground.ru/files/20123/. Помогите если можете. Всем спасибо. Отвечайте на farmacedus@mail.ru или 491738619


04.11.2009, 20:27
Последняя версия Call of Duty 4 это 1.7, обновления можно найти, например, здесь http://www.ag.ru/files/patches/call_of_duty_4_modern_warfare
Боты не работают - в чём это выражается?
Что вы делаете для того чтобы их запустить?
04.11.2009, 20:34
Я имел ввиду что боты не работают в Call of Duty 5 World at War. А делаю я чтобы их дописать ето:Как установить:
Во первых распакуйте архив, куда - неважно.
Найдите папку "C:\Documents and Settings\имя пользователя\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW" (папка скрытая). Там создайте папку Mods, в папку Mods кидайте папку PeZBOTWAW.
Далее создайте ярлык CoDWaWmp.exe. Кликайте правой кнопкой, выберите "Свойства", в строку "обьект" дописывайте +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"
Всё, двойной щелчок на ярлык и пошли дальше

Как активировать ботов:
В консоли прописываем команду svr_pezbots, пробел и количество ботов, сколько хотите.
04.11.2009, 20:35
А КОД 4 у меня вообше сетевая игра не работает.
04.11.2009, 20:36
Попробуйте просто запустить CODWAW, зайти в модификации и выбрать там Пезбота.
04.11.2009, 20:40
Делал и такое. А ботов как небыло так и нет.
04.11.2009, 20:42
Может ето от того что боты под версию игры не подходят?
04.11.2009, 20:51
Обычно в комплекте с ботами есть readme, в котором написана необходимая версия.
А какая версия Windows?
04.11.2009, 20:55
Windows 7 and Windows XP SP3. Может есть боты к версии 1.0?
04.11.2009, 20:57
А реадми есть но там всё на англ. я ничего не понимаю.
04.11.2009, 20:58
выкладывайте содержимое ридми
04.11.2009, 21:00
PeZBOT for WaW, version: 003p (21st August 2009)

Any and all feedback is welcome --> perry_hart@hotmail.com
Please visit Perry's website --> http://www.phartgames.com/
Waypoint Feedback --> lord_gannondorf@hotmail.com

Or, you can leave feedback in the forums --> http://www.moddb.com/mods/pezbot/forum

ReadMe Contents:

PART 1: Disclaimer/Usage.
PART 2: Credits.
PART 3: Things to know.
PART 4: Installation.
PART 5: Playing over LAN
PART 6: Performance Tips.
PART 7: Waypoint Editor.
PART 8: Known Bugs/Issues.
PART 9: Version Changelog.

PART 1: Disclaimer/Usage:

Feel free to add this source to any mod you like, just credit PeZBOT, thanks.

This is pre-alpha code, meaning it is in no way feature complete and full of bugs, use at your own risk. I will not be held responisble for any damages this mod does to your PC.

PART 2: Credits

ATB - Additional Coding & Help

Lord_Gannondorf - Waypointing
Whitsel - Waypointing

JamJam11 - Testing
Bruc3 - Testing


And thanks to all the people who have supported the mod.

PART 3: Things to know:

- All stock maps (at the time of patch 1.5) are Waypointed. This includes Makin Day, the three new maps from Map Pack 1, and the three new maps from Map Pack 2.

- Bots work on all game modes. (Bots will not get the flag in Capture the Flag)

- Bots have been tested and working on version 1.5 of World at War. (Please do not report any bugs found with older versions!)

- Bots DO NOT work in Nazi Zombie Mode or Co-Op! They are for Multiplayer only.

PART 4: Installation:

[If you have trouble getting the mod to work after following these instructions - please contact Lord_Gannondorf on ModDB]
[Most of the people who contact me are not installing the mod correctly. Follow these instructions to the letter]
[Steam users please read below]

How to install on Windows XP:

1) Once you have downloaded the .zip file, extract it to the desktop temporarily.

2) Now that you have it extracted, you should have a folder called PeZBOTWAW on your desktop.

3) Right Click on the folder, and click "Copy" or "Cut".

4) Navigate to this directory (default): "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW" (To see the Local Settings folder you may need to activate "Show hidden files and Folders". If you don't know how to do that - use Google.)

5) In there should be another folder called "Mods", if there isn't one - create one.

6) Open the "Mods" folder, then Right Click, and "Paste" the PeZBOTWAW folder we copied earlier from the dekstop.

7) Now this is the bit that's different from PeZBOT for CoD4 - You *have to* load the mod through the command line.

8) With your desktop shortcut to World at War Multiplayer (Create one if you don't have one) you need to Right Click on it, then click on Properties.

9) You should see: "Target: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe"

10) Add this onto the end of the target line: +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"

11) Your target line should now look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe" +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"

12) Now all you need to do, is click "Ok", then Double-Click on the shortcut and away you go.

13) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)

14) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)

15) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that "Dedicated" in server settings is on "No".

How to install on Windows Vista/Windows 7

1) Once you have downloaded the .zip file, extract it to the desktop temporarily.

2) Now that you have it extracted, you should have a folder called PeZBOTWAW on your desktop.

3) Right Click on the folder, and click "Copy" or "Cut".

4) Navigate to this directory (default): "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Activision\CODWaW" (To see the AppData folder you may need to activate "Show hidden files and Folders". If you don't know how to do that - use Google.)

5) In there should be another folder called "Mods", if there isn't one - create one.

6) Open the "Mods" folder, then Right Click, and "Paste" the PeZBOTWAW folder we copied earlier from the dekstop.

7) Now this is the bit that's different from PeZBOT for CoD4 - You *have to* load the mod through the command line.

8) With your desktop shortcut to World at War Multiplayer (Create one if you don't have one) you need to Right Click on it, then click on Properties.

9) You should see: "Target: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe"

10) Add this onto the end of the target line: +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"

11) Your target line should now look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe" +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"

12) Now all you need to do, is click "Ok", then Double-Click on the shortcut and away you go.

13) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)

14) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)

15) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that "Dedicated" in server settings is on "No".

How to install on Steam version of World at War:

1) Install the mod as you normally would for your Operating System. (Read above)

2) Once you have installed it to the correct directory, open Steam to your Games List.

3) Right-Click on Call of Duty: World at War in your Games List, and select Properties.

4) While in Properties, click on Set Launch Options.

5) While in Launch Options, type (or copy and paste) this into the box:
+set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"

6) When launching the game, select to launch it in Multiplayer.

7) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)

8) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)

9) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that "Dedicated" in server settings is on "No".

DVARS are as follows:

svr_pezbots //number of bots; (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_team //team to put bots on, "axis", "allies", "autoassign"; (defaults to "autoassign")
svr_pezbots_dewards //set to 1 to disable bots using dogs and artillery (do this before adding bots or it won't work); (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_skill //global skill level that effects all bots, value between 0 and 1, 1 being highest
//0 being lowest. (defaults to 0.5)
svr_pezbots_drawdebug //draws bot debug info; 0 or 1; (defaults to 0) (requires developer_script set to 1)
svr_pezbots_mode //sets the mode to start the mod in, options are "dev" and "normal" (defaults to normal)
//(requires developer_script set to 1 and developer set to 1)
svr_pezbots_WPDrawRange //waypoint debug draw range (defaults to 1000 inches)

PART 5: Playing over LAN

If you are trying to play over LAN with a friend, you may notice that the hosting machines server may not appear in the server list. If not, try the following:

1) Open up normal World at War. (Not PeZBOT!)
2) Start a server with the hosting machine.
3) Search for the server with the client.
4) When you see the server, click on it, and add it to favorites.
5) Start up PeZBOT server on the host.
6) Start up PeZBOT on the client, and go to your favorites.
7) Join the server you added to favorites earlier.

PART 6: Performance Tips:

You may have noticed that when you try to play against a lot of bots, the game lags. You can try a few different things to help with this.

1) Defrag your hard-drive, this will speed your computer up quite a bit in general. For XP - go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Degragmenter. Defraging could take anywhere from 30 minutes, to many hours - it depends on the size of your hard-drive.

2) Close any unneeded background applications. This can be quite a big performance hit if you have a lot of unneeded background applications running. Try disabling onces you don't need.

3) Turn your anti-aliasing down, or off completely. You can get quite a large performance boost from turning your AA down to 2x, or off completely.

PART 7: Waypoint Editor:

In order to use the waypoint editor you must start PeZBOT in dev mode by using this as your command line:
+set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW" +set developer 1 +set developer_script 1 +set svr_pezbots_drawdebug 1 +set svr_pezbots_mode dev

Waypoints are represented by a colored vertical line, links between waypoints are represented by blue lines. All waypoints have a radius around them which you have to be within to modify them. When you are in range of a waypoint the line color will pulse to let you know you are in range.


Attack Button:--- Add waypoint.
Ads Button:------ Delete waypoint.
Use Button:------ Start Link/Confirm Link.
Frag Button:----- Start Link/Remove Link.
Melee Button:---- Save waypoints to console_mp.log in PeZBOT mod folder.

Waypoint Colors:

Red:------------- Waypoint with no children, this is bad, link it to another waypoint.
Purple:---------- Waypoint with one child, this is not so bad however it is a dead end, these are especially good for getting the bots to go to the right place up next to the radios in headquarters.
Green:----------- Waypoint with more than one child, these are safe.


You can learn how to waypoint, and add them in game from Whitsels tutorials - first, watch this video explaining how to waypoint:

Then read this short tutorial on how to add the waypoints in-game for use with the bots:

PART 8: Known Bugs/Issues:

- Bots do not play Capture The Flag correctly at this time.

- Bots do not hold the correct weapon in killcam - this cannot be fixed.

- Bots may get stuck on or in geometry such as trees, etc. If you see any of this, please take a screenshot and email it to:
lord_gannondorf@hotmail.com or homelandwarrior@msn.com

- Bots sometimes fall under the map - we are not sure of the cause, but if you know "exactly" where they fall through the ground, please take a screenshot of the area and email it to:

- The game will lag if you add too many bots (More than about 16).

PART 9: Version Changelog:

Version 001p (28/5/09):

Initial Release

Version 002p (24/6/09):

- The mod now works on version 1.4 of World at War. (Including Steam version of the game.)
- Bots now play all game modes.
- Bots are much more aggressive towards planting the bomb in S&D and Sabotage.
- Bots have a 0.25-1.0 second delay before firing. (simulate reaction time)
- Bots now use many more weapons.
- Bots now obey a few team commands - "Follow Me", "Move In" and "Suppressing Fire".
- Bot animation and speed have been improved.
- Added a dvar to remove bot usage of artillery/dogs. (svr_pezbots_dewards)
- Various waypointing bugs fixed.
- Added waypoints for the maps: Cliffside, Downfall, Nightfire, Station and Knee Deep.
- Reworked many of the waypoints in each map to play with all gamemodes.
- Reworked many of the waypoints for better performance.

Version 003p (21/8/09):

- Added waypoints for the maps: Banzai, Corrosion, Sup Pens.
- Fix for invincible bot issue.
- Tweaked bot crouch speed to match the players.

04.11.2009, 21:47
А можно ещё вопрос? по другой игре?
04.11.2009, 21:51
Bots have been tested and working on version 1.5 of World at War
Вам нужна версия 1.5, чтобы боты заработали.
04.11.2009, 21:56
А на версию 1.0 нету ботов?
Форма ответа