Консультация № 192768
09.03.2018, 18:03
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Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words given on the right (10 points).

Winning at Any Price?

What is it that marks out a top_______________ profession

sportsman from the rest? At the very top there

is very little_______________in skill and physical differ

fitness. An enormous amount seems to depend

on the person’s self_______________and their believe

_______________to win. In doing so they can determine

sometimes forget about the rules of fair play

or even take_______________substances to legal

improve their_______________This desire to win perform

by all means which is often set in_______________ child

by ambitious parents, is in my opinion,____________ poison

and_______________It is very sad to see children health

unable to accept victory or defeat_______________ grace


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