21.08.2022, 15:33 Консультация № 203105 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
Попробую ещё раз спросить что спрашивал с другого ракурса. Когда мы общаемся , я , то совершенно не слежу за тем как строю предложения. Какие «конструкции» или обороты речи преобладают в моей речи. Возможно как мы говорим сильно играет роль не столько образование сколько психология человека то есть у одного в речи больше предельной конкретики, а у другого преобладает большая обтекаемость гибкость в утверждениях, на пример - возможно, если бы , как бы так .. и т.п. Есть люди с поэтическим художественными образами , у них преобладают уже другие обороты речи и часто они объясняются не от своего имени или другого лица но так как будто пересказывают некий образ что проплывает в их голове то есть буквально произносят - слышится видится думается представляется и т.п. Я то же отношусь к последней категории т.е художников. Это реальная проблема на пример когда мне надо предельно конкретно сжато сформулировать идею мне приходиться говорить как бы языком другого лица и получается порой избыточно требовательно. Фразы которые говорит некто с конкретными формулировками мне трудно вписать в то что мне представляется видится даже на русском. Логично просто научиться понимать как они строятся на английском. Право на существование есть ведь у всех этих трёх типов людей ?
Я тут пробую разобраться но как я это могу где то сформулировать для вопроса в интернете вот натолкнулся на ваш сайт.
Нужно понимание некой логики построения подобных образов в английском, некой общей закономерности.
На пример it*s easy to breathe in forest – легко дышать в лесу, it*s easy to write at home. Я не знаю соответствует ли это фразам В лесу легко дышится, дома легко пишется.
Я пофантазировал какие вообще слова употребляются в такой форме. Посмотрел глаголы осязания. Вот такие слова собрал – думается слышится чувствуется представляется подозревается ожидается полагается вериться говорится кажется пишется рисуется читается работается поётся. Не знаю все ли они уместны в этом ряду может другие есть. Хочется надеяться вы уловили тему. Спасибо.

19.08.2022, 13:12 Консультация № 203101 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:
Здравствуйте, я учусь сам как то. Тут вопрос который меня ставит в тупик. Могли бы объяснить эту мою проблему. ( На себя я не надеюсь поэтому примеры от части с помощью автоперевода).
Вот смотрите внимательно что я пытаюсь выяснить.
It feels like Abraham Lincoln is still alive. Чувствуется что А.Линкольн всё ещё живой.
Моя Проблема -
ОНО ЧУВСТВУЕТ или ОНО ЧУВСТВУЕТСЯ ( моя собака чует или я чувствую )
На пример следующее предложение раньше понятно было просто на веру т.е сказали что это переводиться так ну и ладно но .. сейчас появилась проблема.
it feels like some smell is here Теперь я не могу понять почему здесь речь не про собаку которая учуяла запах но что я говорю что чувствую запах /здесь чувствуется какой то запах/ ..?
it feels the smell of wind. Моя собака унюхала запах ветра или мне чувствуется запах что принёс ветер .. ?
It listens how the leaves are droping ПОНИМАЕТЕ МОЙ ВОПРОС ? .. ОНО слышит или МНЕ слышится как листва опадает
Такая вот проблема, вообще не понятно как тут быть. Может поможете, спасибо.

27.06.2022, 23:43 Консультация № 203042 ответы: 1
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:
IV. Переведите предложение со сказуемым в страдательном залоге и определите форму
1 They will be given much work.
2 The discovery of electron was followed by new discoveries.
3 They were told many interesting facts about this new project.
4 The monitors of all groups have just been sent for.
5 This old house will have been destroyed by next week.
6 Everybody has been asked many questions.
7 Our laboratory had been provided with new equipment by 2001
8 The report was being discussed the whole evening.
9 This picture is often looked at.
10 The prices have been influenced by inflation recently.
27.06.2022, 21:11 Консультация № 203041 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:
IV. Переведите предложение со сказуемым в страдательном залоге и определите форму
1 What question is being discussed now?
2 He is often laughed at.
3 I was followed by a stranger.
4 This work will have been done by that time.
5 The doctor was sent for 2 hours ago.
6 Everything has been settled.
7 The letters had been typed by the time we came.
8 The climate of Great Britain is influenced by the sea.
9 Films are usually shown at the cinema.
10 His question was answered at once.
16.06.2022, 11:40 Консультация № 202995 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом:
Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола – сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. A series of alloys known as aluminum bronzes possess high strength.
. Paticiple I, обстоятельство possess
Серия сплавов, известных как алюминиевые бронзы, обладают высокой прочностью.
2. Depending upon the kind of metal and the final shape desired, one or more rolling operations may be possible.
. Paticiple II, глагол-сказуемого may be
В зависимости от вида металла и желаемой конечной формы может быть возможна одна или несколько операций прокатки.
3. Every day I see them passing the house.
(Participle I, определение) passing
Каждый день я вижу, как они проходят мимо дома.
4. She gave me a drink made of five different fruits.
(participle I, определение)
Она дала мне напиток из пяти разных фруктов.
5. Public schools are supported by state and local taxes.
(participle II, обстоятельство)
Государственные школы поддерживаются государственными и местными налогами.
Преподаватель утверждает что у меня неправильное определение Participle I и Participle II
03.06.2022, 15:21 Консультация № 202966 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас помочь с выполнением задания , текст прикреплён, заранее спасибо!
24.05.2022, 21:14 Консультация № 202922 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи с текстом. Файл прикреплен
09.04.2022, 15:46 Консультация № 202555 ответы: 0
Добрый день! Помогите пожалуйста с определением ing-формы:
  • With the help of an electronic transponder in each airplane which shows it on the radar screen, radar controllers guide hundreds of airplanes to landing (отглагольное сущ.?).
  • Because of the great improvement in electronic and radio navigation equipment, flying (отглаг. сущ?) to where you are going (прич. 1, т.к. в составе сказуемого?) is done as efficiently as the birds do it and much more scientifically.
02.03.2022, 20:15 Консультация № 202239 ответы: 1
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:
Творческое задание. Нужно интересно перевести стихотворение на русский язык, но чтобы была рифма. Совершенно не приходят интересные строчки в голову по этому отрывку. Буду очень признательна, если поможете или натолкнете на мысли.
When a file won’t download
Or you PC’s running slow
Just ask me to fix it
And you know I won’t say “no”
When your screen is frozen
And it just won’t work at all
Don’t get stressed or worried
‘Cause there’s someone you can call.
14.12.2021, 15:57 Консультация № 201916 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста помогите не могу найти
найти 5 разных лимериков и перевести их на русский (новогодняя тематика!!!)
12.12.2021, 16:03 Консультация № 201879 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос,Срочно надо:
Проект: Юмор в нашей жизни (рождественская тема,новогодняя)
1) Введение:
Что такое юмор и как вы к нему относитесь ,рассуждение. Можно писать как на русс-яз так и на англ-яз.
2) ССЭ
Считаете ли вы что юмор может в будущем быть универсальным для России и англо говорящих стран.(на англ-яз)
3) Что такое лимерики + их вклад, влияние на искусство ,как воспринималось. (писать на русс-яз)
найти 5 разных лимериков и перевести их на русский.
4)Сопоставить синквейны и лимерики. Порассуждать что было бы интереснее детям и взростлым. (на русс-яз, примеры или какие-то слова можно на англ-яз)
5) составить 5 синквейнов про рождество.(на англ яз)

05.12.2021, 16:56 Консультация № 201826 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:
Проект: Юмор в нашей жизни (рождественская тема,новогодняя)
1) Введение:
Что такое юмор и как вы к нему относитесь ,рассуждение. Можно писать как на русс-яз так и на англ-яз.
2) ССЭ
Считаете ли вы что юмор может в будущем быть универсальным для России и англо говорящих стран.(на англ-яз)
3) Что такое лимерики + их вклад, влияние на искусство ,как воспринималось. (писать на русс-яз)
найти 5 разных лимериков и перевести их на русский.
4)Сопоставить синквейны и лимерики. Порассуждать что было бы интереснее детям и взростлым. (на русс-яз, примеры или какие-то слова можно на англ-яз)
5) составить 5 синквейнов про рождество.(на англ яз)

03.12.2021, 21:22 Консультация № 201811 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
Определите, каким русским падежам эквивалентны английские существительные в сочетании с предлогами of, to, with, by, about. Предложения переведите:

1. Mr. Hall delivers lectures to the students of a technical college.

2. He always comes to his work in time.

3. The volume of a millilitre is equal to a cubic centimetre.

4. The students always try to make experiments with their own hands.
30.11.2021, 13:16 Консультация № 201794 ответы: 0
Помогите пожалуйста определить формы глаголов (Причастие 1/2, отглагольное сущ., герундий)!:
17.11.2021, 01:25 Консультация № 201695 ответы: 0
Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We must protect the clean water that remains for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
2. Fire may be started by rubbing together two sticks of wood.
3. If you are traveling by air, you mustn’t carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon, such as a knife or a pair of scissors.
4. Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he won’t have to do it tomorrow.
5. Before Newton no one could explain why the planets moved around the Sun.
6. An optional disk can store about 1 000 times more information than a plastic disk of the same size.

30.10.2021, 01:04 Консультация № 201580 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом: VI. Fill in the gaps the prepositions:

1. A computer is a device ..... an intricate network.

2. The switches are capable of being ..... one or two states.

3. We can make the machine do what we want ..... inputting signals.

4. Computers accept information ..... the form of instructions called a program.

5. Computers have circuits ..... performing operations.

6. Computers have means of communicating ..... the user.

7. Input device may be a disk drive depending ..... the medium used ..... inputting information.

8. Computers can solve a series of problems ..... becoming tired or bored.

VII. Match the names on the left with the definitions on the right:

1. video recorder a) a kind of sophisticated typewriter using a computer

2. photocopier b) a machine which records and plays back sound

3. fax machine c) a machine which records and plays back pictures

4. tape recorder d) a camera which records moving pictures and sound

5. modem e) a machine for chopping up, slicing, mashing, etc.

6. camcorder f) a machine which makes copies of documents

7. robot g) a machine which makes copies of documents and

sends them down telephone lines to another place

8. word-processor h) a machine which acts like a person

9. food-processor i) a piece of equipment allowing you to send information from one computer down telephone lines to another computer
28.10.2021, 09:32 Консультация № 201569 ответы: 1
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
1.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола в простом настоящем времени. 1. The lessons (to begin) at 10 next time. 2. Each term (to last) 5 month and (to end) in examinations. 3. The students (not to detect) crimes. 4. They (to have) practice in psychology a year ago.. 5. On Sunday we (not to have) classes. I (to be) free. This Sunday (to be) my day off. 6. Your friend's wife (to work) at factory, (not to study) 7. I (not to come) early for studies. I (to be late) always.

8. My friend (to leave) for Moscow every year. 9. His child (not to go) to school yesterday because he (to be ill) a little. 10. Our academy (to train) lawyers for the investigative organs.

2 Составьте вопросы из данных вразброс слов.

at home, didn't you, stayed, you, yesterday, all day? have breakfast, when, your family, does, on Sunday?

dirty, in the sink, who, these, has left, dishes? a bus, do, to your office, take, you, walk, or? still, in the park, are, playing, the children? my, to, who, you, dictionary, give, did?

3.Задайте вопросы, пользуясь следующими образцами, используя слова в скобках: Образец: Peter knows English (his sister). Does his sister know English? (общие вопросы) 1. My mother works at a factory (you). 2. She finishes work at 5 (they). 3.I do my homework in the reading-room (she). 4. Victor works in the library every day (Nick). 6.I prefer classical music to pop music (you). Образец: I come home late (Why). Why do you come home late? (специальные и вопросы к подлежащему) 2. Sometimes I go to see my friends (How often). 4. Her brother plays volley-ball and basket-ball (What games). 5. We have dinner at 2o'clock (What time). 6. They often go to the country on Sunday (When). 7. We take five exams this term (How many). 8. Nick plays chess well (Who). 9. His brother does research work (Whose). 10. They work hard at their studies (Who). Образец: She teaches at school,... ? She teaches at school, doesn't she? (разделительные вопросы) 1. Her son studies at the University,... ? 2. She translate special texts well,...'? 3. His parents often write to him letters,... ? 5. They are good at sports,... ?

6. You don't do research work,...
28.10.2021, 09:29 Консультация № 201568 ответы: 1
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:
1.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола в простом настоящем времени. 1. The lessons (to begin) at 10 next time. 2. Each term (to last) 5 month and (to end) in examinations. 3. The students (not to detect) crimes. 4. They (to have) practice in psychology a year ago.. 5. On Sunday we (not to have) classes. I (to be) free. This Sunday (to be) my day off. 6. Your friend's wife (to work) at factory, (not to study) 7. I (not to come) early for studies. I (to be late) always.

8. My friend (to leave) for Moscow every year. 9. His child (not to go) to school yesterday because he (to be ill) a little. 10. Our academy (to train) lawyers for the investigative organs.

2. Раскройте скобки, перевод устный. Перед началом работы, прочитайте следующую тему о типах вопросительных предложения (если стоит знак вопроса, значит надо сделать вопросительное предложение)

1. We (to like) to cook but we (not to like) to wash the dishes.

2. He never (to shout) at his students. He (to be) a wonderful teacher, I remember.

3. My friend (to know) Spanish very well.

4. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago?

5. He (not to live) on the third floor.

6. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday?

7. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday?

8. I (not to have) dinner with my family yesterday.

9. Who (to paint) the world-known picture "Mona Lisa"?

10. She (to know) all the works of Chopin. She (to enjoy) listening to his waltz last night.

11. Steven's friends (to come up) to his birthday party next night and (to give) him wonderful presents. His parents (to cook) a special dinner for him.

12. When you (to leave) home for school every day?

13. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday?

14. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?

15. My brother (to go) last evening. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight in the morning. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus that evening. Tomorrow he (not to go) to work. Tomorrow he (to get) up at nine o'clock.

16. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? — No, I ... .

17. What you (to buy) at the shop yester¬day? — I (to buy) a book.

18. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy.

19. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow?

20. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning.

21. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning.

22. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning.

23. I always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.

24. I (to be) very busy last sum¬mer and I (not to go) there.

25. I (not to go) there next year because it (to cost) a lot of money and I can't afford it.

26. They (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening?

27. Who (to take) care of the child in the future?

28. How often you (to go) to the dentist's?

29. He even (not to know) how to use the washing machine.

30. Two years ago they (to be) rich and money (to be) never a problem.

31. When the cabbage soup (to be) ready?
13.10.2021, 13:36 Консультация № 201498 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
Необходимо перевести предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

1)Diesel engine manufactures frequently specify in detail the quality of fuel to be burned in their engines.

2)The amount of fuel injected can be varied to suit load requirements.

3)In the absence of any suitable highly rated single-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine, it has become necessary to install multi-cylinder turbocharged diesels for oil evaluation purposes.

4)With speed reduction, more air must be supplied to the cylinders to burn more fuel.

5)Before making the final decision on the type of finning to be used, the designer must consider the methods by which fins are produced.
13.10.2021, 13:34 Консультация № 201497 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом:

Необходимо перевести предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты.

1) Pre-chamber engines are likely to give lower maximum cylinder pressures, smoother combustion, and cleaner exhaust than direct injection engines.
2) Quick warming-up is considered to be essential to economical cylinder life.
3) They reported the capacity of the new engine to have been increased.
4) The quietest type of roots blower seems to be the three lobed type with helical rotors.
5) In the modern compression-ignition engine the piston is usually regarded as the critical component, and it is likely to be of increasing importance as still higher specific outputs are demanded.
13.10.2021, 13:33 Консультация № 201496 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:
Помогите, пожалуйста, по англ. языку. Необходимо перевести предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие и герундий.

1) The engine lathe is used for great variety of metal operations, such as turning, drilling, screwcutting and many others.
2) The machine performs the following operations: cylindrical turning, facing, cutting, drilling, etc.
3) The single-column vertical turning mills are designed for roughing and finishing operations on parts made of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.
4) For starting and stopping the table rotation the gearbox is provided with multidisc friction clutch.
5) This single lever controls all functions of the machine including all movements of the wheel slide, cross-feed, starting and stopping the work of the spindle.
6) Having used a new method we mechanized a number of operations.
7) Removing an injector is simple in theory but sometimes difficult in practice.
8) Good maintenance is a prime factor in reducing smoke from vehicle exhaust.
9) The engine must be capable of continuous operation with long service life, but overload on industrial engines is frequently uncontrolled, operators taking note only of serious underspeed.
10) The combustion chamber should be compact, a large surface area being a source of considerable heat loss during the compression stroke.
11.10.2021, 18:55 Консультация № 201481 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
прочитайте, подготовьте аннотацию на русском языке и на английском языке следующих текстов.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an insular country situated on the British Isles to the north-west of Europe. The total area of the country is 244,021 square km. The UK is a small country. The UK’s territory takes the 75th place among other countries. The British Isles are composed of about 4000 islands of different size.

The largest of the British Isles is Great Britain which contains England, Wales and Scotland. It is the biggest island in Europe and the 7th largest in the world. The second largest island of the British Isles is Ireland. It is shared by 2 separate and independent states. The larger part of Ireland is the Republic of Ireland, an independent state with its capital in Dublin. Northern Ireland, which occupies north-eastern part of the island, remains a part of the UK with London as its capital.

So, the UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capital of Wales is Cardiff and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. London is also the capital of the UK and its population is approximately 10 mln. people.

Great Britain is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the north, north-west and south-west. From the European continent it is separated by the North Sea, the Straight of Dover (Pas de Calais) and the English Channel (La Manche – a French name meaning “sleeve”). In the west Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, the North Channel and St. George’s Channel.

The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a highly centralized and unitary state – the state which has acquired this name since 1922. The UK’s national flag is Union Jack. The name, the colours and crosses symbolize the union of the united parts of the country. Union Jack comprises 3 crosses. The red upright cross on the white field is St. George’s Cross – the patron saint of England. The diagonal white cross on the blue field is St. Andrew’s Cross – the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross on the white field is St. Patrick’s Cross – the patron saint of Ireland.

The national anthem is the oldest in the world, established in 1745 and based on a song of the 17th century. Besides the Union Jack there is Royal Standard – Royal personal flag.

National emblems are: the red rose – of England, the thistle – of Scotland, the leek or daffodil – of Wales, the shamrock – of Ireland.

The rivers of Britain are very short. They seldom freeze in winter but they are not navigable for ocean ships. The most important rivers are the Severn (354 km) the Thames (346 km), the Trent, the Ouse, the Clyde, the Tweed, the Tyne.

Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial state with such centres of industry as Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, Newcastle, etc.

The total population of the UK nowadays is over 57 mln. people. The UK is inhabited by the English, who constitute about 83% of the total population, the Scots– 9,5%, the Welsh – 5%, the Irish – 2,7% of the total population.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy headed by the Queen. The queen is not only the Head of State but also an important symbol of national unity. The power of the monarch is limited by the Parliament which consists of the House of Lords (Upper Chamber) and the House of Commons (Lower Chamber).


High-speed railway lines are new specialised railway lines designed for trains travelling at speeds of between 200-400 kph. Fast lines are classified as those carrying passengers at speeds of between 140-200 kph on existing but upgraded lines.

Since December 2009, Moscow, Tver, Novgorod, Leningrad, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions have been linked by fast and high-speed connections on upgraded infrastructure. High-speed Sapsan trains operate between Moscow - St. Petersburg, Allegro fast trains between St. Petersburg and Helsinki, and fast Swallow trains between St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod and between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. These fast and high-speed trains operated by Russian Railways transport over 3.2 million passengers every year.

An important step in the development of a fast and high-speed network in Russia is the construction of modern dedicated main lines capable of handling passenger trains travelling at speeds of up to 400 kph.

Studies show that promising routes for such lines are Moscow - St. Petersburg, Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Yekaterinburg with connections to Perm, Ufa and Chelyabinsk, and Moscow - Rostov- on-Don - Adler with connections to the cities in this region. These lines will reduce the travel time between neighbouring conglomerations to 1-1.5 hours and enable more than 100 million people living in the catchment areas of these routes to take advantage of high-speed services.

The construction of a network of fast railways and high-speed lines is provided for in the updated Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2030 and considered in the Forecast for Russia's Socio-Economic Development covering the same period. Both these documents assume increased investment in economic growth based on the creation of modern transport infrastructure and high-tech industries.
16.07.2021, 20:16 Консультация № 201278 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:Напишите, пожалуйста, 10 предложений о моих увлечениях.Последнее предложение должно быть с просьбой к человеку, которому я пишу, чтобы он указал о своих увлечениях. Заранее благодарен. Я увлекаюсь шахматами и футболом.
14.06.2021, 17:20 Консультация № 201161 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:

Подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (Б) обратите внимание на особенности перевода конструкций со страдательным залогом, в разделе (В) – на место предлога в русском языке.

Образец: were agreed upon – Past Ind. (Simple)Passive от глагола to agree

(A) 1.While engineers were testing a new high-frequency device the power supply was suddenly interrupted.
2.A number of investigations has shown that the poles of the Earth’s magnetic field have reversed many times.
3.When the user gets into trouble, he can discover by reading the instruction book what he is doing wrong.
4.Russian astronomers have concluded that the Earth is hit by cosmic bodies as often as the Moon.
5.A new welding machine will be put into operation next week.

(Б) 1.A subroutine may be used many times during the computation of a programme but is written only once in the whole programme.
2.A computer must be told what operation to perform by means of instructions.
3.The students were shown a flow chart, which was very helpful for understanding interrelationship between various parts of a code.
4.We hope that during the discussion we’ll be offered some new ways of solving this problem.
5.He was promised immediate help.

(B) 1.No special attention was paid to the early period of this scientist’s activity.
2.His remark wasn’t taken notice of.
3.He would like to read the article referred to by the professor.
4.The decision insisted upon could not be accepted.
5.The lecture was followed by a discussion.
04.03.2021, 11:32 Консультация № 200378 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Travelling all over the world the scientist saw many interesting things.
2. Heat produced from electrical energy heats our homes.
3. The intensity of this process is influenced by many factors.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He is able to come and see us every Sunday.
2. The engineers may encounter many difficulties while designing the bridge.
3. I have to take a taxi in order not to be late.
4. The application of digital computers should include all forms of automatic control in science and industry.
письменно переведите 2-й и 3-й абзацы.
Пояснения к тексту
daring – отважный was not intended to represent – не должна была представлять собой self-consistent – самостоятельный a one – man phenomenon – человек редкой одаренности
N.I. Lobachevsky (1792-1856)
1. The life and scientific career of the great Russian mathematician N.I. Lobachevsky was closely con-nected with Kasan the town to which his family moved when he was a child.
2. In 1807 Lobachevsky entered the newly established University of Kasan where he showed remarka-ble mathematical talent. At the University N.I. Lobachevsky spent nearly forty years of his life as a stu-dent, professor and rector.
3. He wrote many papers on mathematics, but his fame was as a mathematician «heretic», the creator of the first non – Euclidean geometry.
N.I. Lobachevsky took a daring step and created the new geometry, which was not intended to rep-resent anything «real», it was simply a self-consistent mathematical system. It is to be found on the sur-face of a curve called a pseudosphere. Lobachevsky’s geometry revolutionized mathematics and the phi-losophy of science.
4. Lobachevsky was a one-man phenomenon. Moreover, Lobachevsky was a very talented organizer. He organized the library and laboratories. He even studied architecture so as to supervise the University construction programme. Besides that he led an effective fight against cholera in 1830 and against a great fire in 1842, saving the University each time.

11.02.2021, 16:07 Консультация № 200260 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом: Помогите сделать контрольную
11.02.2021, 16:01 Консультация № 200259 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Помогите пожалуйста выполнить практическое занятие по английскому
16.01.2021, 00:30 Консультация № 200099 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте , Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

помогите пожалуйста найти в след.предложениях глагол-сказуемое, определите его время, вид и залог. Например: is based – Pr. Simple Passive
1. Despite the apparent properties of compound semiconductors, their general use has not been great because of several limitations.
2. The potential difference across the junction had been increased.
3. Magnetic amplifiers have been employed for some 50 years; transistors were reported upon in 1948.
4. Sometimes a decision to compute is followed by a process of selecting the particular kind of computing machine, which best suits for the given problem.
5. Our rockets, the first in the world, were being sent to other planets.
6. This problem must be approached from another point of 47 view.
7. This job cannot be done for a short period, you need at least a month.
8. It is 20 years since he left home, and he has never been heard of since.
9. Tell him he is being waited for.
10. L. Carroll is remembered not as a mathematician but as the author of Alice in Wonderland.
16.01.2021, 00:27 Консультация № 200098 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в прямой речи.
When Alec and Bob met Alec said that he had some questions about the computer interface. So he wanted Bob to explain some aspects to him. Bob answered in the positive. The first question Alec asked concerned the notion of an interface. He added that people often used the English equivalent of that term and seemed not to differentiate between the types of interfaces. Bob explained that the interface was an interconnection between hardware, software and people. When Alec inquired what hardware interface consisted of Bob told that that type of the interface consisted of physical channels, cables, or wires that connected and exchanged electronic signals between CPU and peripherals or between any two units. Then Alec was interested to learn what software interfaces connected in particular and Bob told that they were specific messages established between programs. Alec remembered that software interfaces were application programs, Data Base Management Systems and the operating programs. He thanked Bob and added that he felt ready to pass his exam in programming successfully.
14.12.2020, 21:42 Консультация № 199872 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом:
Трансформируйте следующие предложения в придаточные дополнительные, начав с фраз I knew, I thought, He said . Измените время глаголов-сказуемых в придаточных дополнительных в соответствии с правилами согласования времен. Произведите другие необходимые преобразования.

1. My friend was born in Moscow, and since that time he has been living there.
2. The goods that have been exported from Sweden are of high quality.
3. The books you need are in great demand everywhere.
4. The letter of congratulation was sent in advance, and they certainly have got it.
5. Various registers are interconnected.
6. Each storage location in the storage section is numbered, like post-office boxes.
7. We must get the samples. I admit the complexity of this.
8. Franklin didn’t know what electricity was, but he knew it could be passed through a metal wire.
9. A high level language is a language in which each instruction or statement corresponds to several machine code instructions.
10.The printers are used only as output units.
14.12.2020, 21:39 Консультация № 199871 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом:
Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в прямой речи.

When Alec met his friend David he said that he was interested to know what a programming language was. He knew each computer had a repertoire of operations to perform. So he wanted David to explain him if the notions a “machine language” and a “programming language” were the same.
David agreed and began. He said that to perform a task a user must choose the appropriate instructions from the repertoire and sequence them properly. So the means of specifying the instructions and their sequencing was called the “programming language”.
Then Alec guessed that machine language was in reality a programming language and David said that his friend was quite right. He only emphasized that it was the lowest level programming language, the language of binary 1’s and 0’s. Alec remembered that computer hardware understood only a binary program but he wanted if there were any drawbacks to machine level coding.
David answered that the drawbacks were numerous. The most inconvenient thing about the machine level coding was that it took a long time to learn, write and debug. He added that errors would very likely occur and the most unpleasant thing was that corrections were difficult to make. When Alec asked why Davis replied that the language itself was abstract and perhaps Assembly Language was easier in use. Alec thanked his friend 55 and said he would have to go to the library and read some manual on programming languages.
14.12.2020, 21:38 Консультация № 199870 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих высказываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (Например, Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and……), а затем в прошедшем (Например, Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather good and……). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если косвенная речь вводится глаголом в прошедшем времени!
Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra
Alec: I'll try.
Professor: You know, a chip is a miniaturized electronic circuit. What
elements does it contain?
Alec: A chip contains several hundred thousand electronic components –
transistors, resistors and others.
Professor: Are there any other terms, which are synonymous to chip?
Alec: Yes, there are. They are integrated circuits and microelectronics.
Professor: What types of chips can you describe?
Alec: Logic chips and Memory chips. Logic chips perform some or all the
functions of a processor. Memory chips are storage cells.
Professor: May larger computers use several types of microprocessors?
Alec: Yes, of course. Even desk computers use one or more
Professor: Your answer is good so you get a five.
Alec: Thank you, Professor, good-bye.
20.11.2020, 09:03 Консультация № 199668 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуй1. Verwenden Sie statt Präsens die Präteritumform und übersetzen Sie Sätze: 1. Nach der Dreifingerregel zeigen Daumen, Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger die Richtung von Ursache, Vermittlung und Wirkung der Induktions. 2. Im oberen Schleifenstück fließt der Strom nach vorn. 3. Der Wechselstrom ändert seine Richtung nach jeder halben Umdrehung. 4. Die Spannung ändert sich wie die Sinusfunktion des Drehwinkels. 5. Man braucht Nebenschlussgeneratoren für die wechselnde Belastung. 6. Jedes Schleiferstück verbindet man über einen Schleifring stets mit derselben Bürste. 74. Die Wechselstromgeneratoren beruhen auf diesem Prinzip.

2. Gebrauchen Sie das Hilfsverb haben oder sein in richtiger Form: 1. Man ... den Strom durch mehrere gegeneinander versetzte Wicklungen erhalten. 2. Man ... die Stromrichtung nach der Dreifingerregel für die rechte Hand bestimmt. 3. Der mit einem Gleichstrom gespeiste Elektromagnet ... das Magnetfeld erzeugt. 4. Dieser Gelehrte ... die genaue Untersuchung des Drehfeldes durchführt. 5. Er ... den Gleichstromgenerator als Aussenpolmaschine gebaut. 6. In dem Magnetfeld ... die Spannung nach dem Induktionsgesetz entstanden.ста, ответьте на вопрос:
03.11.2020, 14:34 Консультация № 199497 ответы: 1
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

Закончите предложения, используя глагол в скобках в страдательном залоге

1. A few improvements (to recommend) lately to facilitate the experiments on atomic collisions.

2. Intensive research (to do) now on the improvement of space-flight conditions.

3. It is worrying, that only about half of the large near earth objects (to find) yet.

4. This problem (to deal with) just.

5. In the next section statistical information (to consider)
14.09.2020, 12:54 Консультация № 199174 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

Надо перевести прямую речь на английском языке в косвенную на том же, английском языке.
Kate: I like English lesson. It's my favourite subject.
John: I here area lot of children in our class.
Peter: I'm looking forward to seeing my friends at school. I miss them.
Ann: I'm glad that we start learning new subject at school.
Bill: I hope that we"ll go onexcursions this school year.

29.03.2020, 17:05 Консультация № 198078 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:

A map is a graphic representation drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features – usually geographical, geological, or geopolitical – of an area of the Earth or of any other celestial body. Globes are maps represented on the surface of a sphere. The art and science of making maps and charts is called cartography.
Major types of maps include topographical maps, showing features of the Earth’s land surface, nautical charts, representing coastal and marine areas; hydrographic charts, which specify ocean depths and the directions and intensities of oceanic currents; and aeronautical charts, which detail surface features and air routes. Maps may be classified according to their scale, content, or derivation. Map scale refers to the size of the representation on the map as compared to the size of the object on the ground – and thus the level of detail shown. For maps it is usually convenient to express the scale by a representative fraction or ratio: for example, the ratio 1:63,360 means one inch on the map represents 63,360 inches (one mile) on the ground. In general, a large-scale map is one on which one inch represents a mile or less; on a small-scale map the ratio may be 1:1,000,000 (one inch to about 15 miles); and medium scale denotes intermediate range.
A map’s content is chosen to suit its primary purpose: thus the terms aeronautical chart, topographic map, road map, and weather map are self-descriptive. Maps may be derived or compiled from other maps, usually of larger scale; alternatively, they may be assembled from original surveys and photogrammetric compilations. Common road maps, for example, are compiled from road surveying, topographic maps, and aerial photographs.
Measurements for the map may be derived from a number of sources. Geodetic maps designed to depict large areas may rely in part on triangulation from satellites in orbit. Many mapping projects depend on numerous stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs for accurate representation of the vertical relief of the terrain as well as much of the planimetric detail. Specialized detail maps may also rely on observations made by surveyors on the ground. Geological maps may incorporate information provided by infrared imagery or thematic mapping instruments aboard Earth-observation satellites.
Once information is obtained, it must be accurately transferred to paper. For large-scale maps of small areas, that process is usually straightforward, but an accurate map of an area even a few tens of miles across must take into account the curvature of the Earth’s surface.

Ex. 2. Find English equivalents of the following:
графическое изображение; плоская поверхность; крупномасштабная карта; мелкомасштабная карта; точное изображение; переносить на бумагу; искусство создания карт; по сравнению с …; главная цель.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps:
1. … is the art of making maps.
2. If 1 inch on the map represents a mile or less, it is a … map.
3. An accurate map must take into account the … of the Earth.
4. Maps represented on the surface of a sphere are called … .
5. … maps show features of the Earth’s surface.

Ex. 4. Answer the questions:
1. What is a map?
2. What is a globe?
3. What are the major types of maps?
4. How are maps classed according to their scale?
5. What does the map’s content imply?
6. What are the sources of measurements for maps?
23.03.2020, 17:11 Консультация № 198022 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
II. Complete the text using the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 points)

Three people 1 (to injure) _____________________________ in a crash involving two lorries and a van on the A-45 near Brighton on Saturday. The accident 2 (to happen) _____
___________________________ in heavy rain when a lorry which 3 (to carry) _________
__________________________ grain 4) (to slip) _______________________________ on the wet road spilling its load across both lanes. A police spokesperson said that the driver of the lorry 5 (to brake – тормозить) _____________________________ to avoid hitting a dog which 6 (to run) ____________________________out into the road in front of him. The drivers of the two other vehicles involved 7 (to drive) __________________________ too close behind to be able to stop in time. The injured 8 (to take) ____________ ___________________ to the nearby hospital immediately. The van driver has three broken ribs and 9 (to be) _____________________still under observation. The drivers of the lorries 10 (to treat) __________________________________ for minor injuries and sent home.
III. Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use between two and five words. (5 points)
1. I think I’ve gained a few kilos over the last few months! on
I think I’ve _______________________________ a few kilos over the last few months!
2. You should reduce the amount of fast food you eat. down
You should _______________________ the amount of fast food you eat.
3. There are red spots all over her body. covered
Her body __________________________________ red spots.
4. “Can I see your drawing?” I asked Anna. if
I asked Anna _________________________________________ drawing.
5. “Please, don’t take my photo,” James said. not
James asked me __________________________________________ photo.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. (10 points)
come stand fix write hold
get put find be blow

1. If you arrive at 2 o’clock the party will ______________ over and nobody will be here.
2. They used the dynamite to ________________________ up the bridge.
3. As soon as the programme had finished, they __________________ out more about the museum by visiting the website.
4. George was looking for his razor when he ___________ across his wife’s wedding ring.
5. Never ____________________________ off until tomorrow what you can do today!
6. I’ve _________________ up an appointment with the dentist next Thursday afternoon.
7. As it is my last day today, let’s all __________ together at 12 o’clock and go to the pub.
8. __________________________ on a minute, I can’t find my address book.
9. Despite her ugly dress at last night’s concert her talent as a singer ______________ out.
10. Listen to the telephone number and ________________ it down in your address book.

23.03.2020, 17:06 Консультация № 198021 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
V. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. (10 points)
Deep Sleep
Deep sleep is important for everyone. The actual (1) _____ of sleep you need depends (2) ______ your age. A young child (3) ______ to sleep ten to twelve hours, and a teenager about nine hours. Adults differ a lot in their sleeping (4) ______. For most of them, seven to eight hours a night is (5) ______, but some sleep longer, while others manage with only four hours. For a good night, having a comfortable (6) _____ to sleep is very important. Also, there should be (7) ______ of fresh air in the room. A warm drink sometimes helps people to sleep, (8)___ it is not a good idea to drink coffee immediately before going to bed. (9) _____ you have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier than usual the day
before the (10) _____. This will help you to feel more rested when you arrive.

1. A size B number C amount D sum
2. A on B to C in D of
3. A could B ought C must D should
4. A ways B habits C manners D actions
5. A few B well C less D enough
6. A point B place C position D part
7. A plenty B much C many D several
8. A because B as C although D even
9. A Since B Until C After D If
10. A journey B voyage C call D visit

06.03.2020, 21:25 Консультация № 197939 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! У меня возникли сложности с таким вопросом:

Перевести фрагмент предложения:
Of the two evils let's choose (самое меньшее).
22.02.2020, 14:39 Консультация № 197857 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Задание: переведите текст ’English as the world language’ устно, а подчеркнутые предложения – письменно; выполните грамматический анализ по заданиям, предложенным преподавателем.
English as a world language.
1. English is one of the major languages in the world and geographically it is the most widespread language on Earth, with 400 million speakers. In Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, and the language was not thought to be very important by the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to the rest of the world.
2. English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present standing in the world.
3. People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for a practical purpose, administrative, professional or educational.
4. English is the language of business, technology, sport, and aviation. English has the largest vocabulary with approximately 500,000 words and 300,000 technical terms. One person in seven of the world’s entire population belongs to one of these three groups. Incredibly enough, 75 % of the world’s mail and 60 % of the world’s telephone calls are in English.

Ex. 1. Useful English. Read, translate, learn, and use the following expressions in sentences of your own.
the most widespread; the rest of the world; a mother tongue; in all the continents of the world; growth of the population; massive immigration; the world’s entire population.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions.
1. How many people in the world speak English? 2. Why has English become a world language? 3. What was the main reason for spreading English?
4. People who speak English fall into one of three groups, don’t they? What are these groups?
22.02.2020, 14:38 Консультация № 197856 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог:
1. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-messages. 2. British geodesist, George Everest, completed the topographic survey of India, on which depended the accurate mapping of the subcontinent. 3. Computers are now an important part of everything; without them, the modern world will stop. 4. She was sitting there doing nothing. 5. The group of researchers has been analyzing the results of the experiment for a week. 6. They have set up a laboratory that designs laser systems for environmental control. 7. A lot of effort has been made to develop standards for data acquisition and processing.
22.02.2020, 14:38 Консультация № 197855 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многонкциональность местоимения “it”:
а) личное местоимение 3-го лица ед. ч. (он, она, оно) заменяет ранее упомянутое неодушевлённое существительное;
б) указательное местоимение «это» (синоним местоимения this);
в) прямое дополнение, если “it” следует за сказуемым;
д) “it” – в составе усилительной конструкции, it is … that, who, which (обычно переводят «именно», «это как раз»).
1. Lack of valid data makes it difficult to predict further events. 2. I know it very well. 3. Nottingham is one of Britain’s typical middle size cities. It is very beautiful. 4. It was Adam Smith, a great Scotish scientist who made extraordinary (удивительный) contributions to economics. 5. It is 5 o’clock and it is very dark, because it’s winter now. 6. An important feature of such a system is that it makes updating easier. 7. Since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased.
22.02.2020, 14:36 Консультация № 197854 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая вни-мание на перевод личных, неопределённых и отрицательных местоимений
1. Nobody knows anything about the origin of this strange phenomenon.
2. He had some interesting information about the achievements in his field.
3. They had no relatives in this town. 4. He needs someone who is an expert in this field. 5. Something was unusual in his behavior. 6. None of us is immune to geologic hazards. 7. Nothing was interesting at the party.

VIII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности определений, выраженных именем существительным; подчеркните их:
1. This research centre is famous not only in our country but throughout (all over) the world. 2. Some of our university teachers do a lot of research concerning this problem. 3. He is on his business trip at the moment. 4. The city transport system is not very well organized. 5. The laboratory equipment is not of the latest generation. 6. Management skills may be acquired through education or experience. 7. Land resource management is concerned with the inventory, allocation, development, and conservation of a community’s resources.
22.02.2020, 14:35 Консультация № 197853 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных; подчеркните в предложениях
1. The simple ideas are always the best. 2. This method of work is the most efficient compared with all the other methods. 3. The greater the knowledge of the land, the better the possibilities will be to guide the development. 4. The next fifteen years were the happiest of G. Washington’s life. 5. A major role of computer science has been to alleviate such problems, mainly by making computer systems cheaper, faster, more reliable, and easier to use. 6. The problems that afflict the nation’s public facilities are much wider and costlier and difficult to tackle because local authorities and city boards, with some help from the national government, often have to depend on local property taxes to finance such projects. 7. The problem is even worse in industrial cities.
22.02.2020, 14:34 Консультация № 197852 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:

. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многофункциональность глагола ‘to do’:
а) словарное (смысловое) значение – ‘делать‘, ‘выполнять‘;
б) вспомогательный глагол формы: (do, does, did) для образования вопросительной и отрицательной форм в Present и Past Indefinite;
в) для замены смыслового глагола во избежание повторения;
г) усилительный глагол формы (do, does, did) перед инфинитивом смыслового глагола.
1. They always do their work well. 2. Love does much, money does everything. 3. Who saw him yesterday? Ann did. 4. I didn’t watch this film. 5. I do help you. 6. They did not have the time to do this work themselves. 7. In fact, not only does a computer store the data electronically, it can also retrieve, sort, analyze, process, and then it can store the information again for use in the future. 8. Do you do any sports?
22.02.2020, 14:33 Консультация № 197851 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:

IV. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многофункциональность глагола “to have”:

а) словарное (смысловое) значение – ‘иметь’, ‘обладать’;
б) вспомогательный глагол для образования – Perfect Tense;
в) в качестве модального глагола – ‘должен’;
г) выражение действия сочетанием – ‘to have’ + существительное.

1. Human societies have become increasingly dependent for their well-being on the ability to collect and analyze geographic information. 2. Public administration, for example, has to know exactly where pipes and cables are located in the ground if it wants to build new houses or renovate the sewer system. 3. They have some interesting information concerning this event. 4. I’ve just had my hair done. 5. Marriage is a matter of learning to live with one particular person with whom you have chosen to blend your life. 6. He has a degree in information technologies (IT).
22.02.2020, 14:32 Консультация № 197850 ответы: 0
Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:

Перепишите и переведите сложные предложения, обращая внимание на многофункциональность глагола “to be”:
а) словарное значение – ‘быть чем-то (кем-то)’; ‘находиться’ где-то;
б) вспомогательн. гл. для образования Passive Voice и Continuous Tense;
в) модальное значение долженствования;
г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.
1. Because the beam (луч, пучок света) is so small, it is very important in delicate surgery and is used in eye operations. 2. Students are to be at the lecture in time. 3. Potential laser application in medicine is also being studied at the centre. 4. His task was to prepare everything for the experiment. 5. The journalist has been to his business trip in Siberia. 6. Today’s generation is the best-informed than ever. 7. To be beneficial, a cadastral system should be combined with a reliable land registration system.
22.02.2020, 14:31 Консультация № 197849 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

II. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какую функцию выполняет окончание – ‘ed’, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем стандартного глагола в Past Indefinite;
б) показателем Participle II от стандартного глагола в функции определения к существительному;
в) частью сказуемого от стандартного глагола в Passive Voice or Perfect Tense;
г) устоявшимся прилагательным.
1. B. Franklin is acknowledged to have invented a means of protecting against the disastrous effects of lightning – the lightning rod. 2. After many difficulties he at last managed to enter the university. 3. This design was to be worked out by a highly qualified engineer. 4. The American Constitution was finally adopted in 1788. 5. The loosely organized colonies needed a single military commander to unify their forces. 6. An organization’s information management requirements are determined by some factors: two general factors are the environment and size of the organization, and two specific factors are the area and level of the organization. 7. He was a very talented mathematician.
22.02.2020, 14:30 Консультация № 197848 ответы: 0
Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи, являются слова с окончанием “s” и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица ед. ч. глагола в Present Indefinite – (does);
б) признаком мн. ч. имени существительного – (boys);
в) показателем притяжат. падежа имени существ. – (sister’s; sisters’).

1. Economists study our everyday life. The economists’ studies should be strictly objective and scientific. 2. He does a lot of different things in his spare (free) time. 3. The world’s first business school was established in 1819 in France. 4. Today’s organizations store and process vast amounts of data, which managers and other employees must turn into useful information. 5. The mission’s objective is to generate plans for land and water resource development to be used by resource managers at district level. 6. Structures such as roads, railways, buildings of all types, are the main evidence of human occupation in the landscape. 7. Anyway, a villager’s life under his lord’s protection was better than the life of a wanderer.
12.02.2020, 22:21 Консультация № 197760 ответы: 1
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Как понимать выражение most a time?