Консультация № 199870
14.12.2020, 21:38
0.00 руб.
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Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Прошу вас ответить на следующий вопрос:
Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих высказываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (Например, Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and……), а затем в прошедшем (Например, Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather good and……). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если косвенная речь вводится глаголом в прошедшем времени!
Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra
Alec: I'll try.
Professor: You know, a chip is a miniaturized electronic circuit. What
elements does it contain?
Alec: A chip contains several hundred thousand electronic components –
transistors, resistors and others.
Professor: Are there any other terms, which are synonymous to chip?
Alec: Yes, there are. They are integrated circuits and microelectronics.
Professor: What types of chips can you describe?
Alec: Logic chips and Memory chips. Logic chips perform some or all the
functions of a processor. Memory chips are storage cells.
Professor: May larger computers use several types of microprocessors?
Alec: Yes, of course. Even desk computers use one or more
Professor: Your answer is good so you get a five.
Alec: Thank you, Professor, good-bye.


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