Консультация № 159044
28.01.2009, 21:15
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Помоги пожалуйста, срочно надо до 29.01.09..перевести из прямой в косвенную речь:
1) Kate said,"Mike, do you like my dress?"
2)Grandfather said to Mary,"What mark did you get at school?"
3) my sister said to me,"Will you take me to the teatre with you tomorrow?"
4 mother asked me,"did you play with your friends yesterday?"
5)"why don`t you play with you friends Kate?" saud mother
6) "do you like chocolates?"my little sister said to me
7)"did you see your granny yesterday,Lena?" asked Mr Brown
8) the doctor asked Nick,"Do you wash your face and hsnds every morning?"
9) the teacher said to Mike," does your work at a factory?"
10)mother said to us,"what are you doing here?"

Заранее спасибо


28.01.2009, 23:32
это ответ
Здравствуйте, Зикеева Надежда Сергеевна!

1) Kate asked Mike if he liked her dress.
2) Grandfather asked Mary what mark she had got at school.
3) My sister asked me if I would take her to the theatre with me the next day.
4 Mother asked me if I had played you with my friends on the previous day.
5) Mother wanted to know why Kate didn’t play with her friends.
6) My little sister asked me if I liked chocolates.
7) Mr. Brown asked Lena if she had seen her granny the day before.
8) The doctor asked Nick if he washed his face and hands every morning.
9) The teacher asked Mike if his father worked at a factory. Здесь Вы пропустили подлежащее в прямой речи. Пишу, что Майка спросили о том, работает ли его отец на заводе.
10) Mother wanted to know what we were doing there.
Форма ответа