Консультация № 197856
22.02.2020, 14:38
0.00 руб.
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Уважаемые эксперты! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос:

. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог:
1. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-messages. 2. British geodesist, George Everest, completed the topographic survey of India, on which depended the accurate mapping of the subcontinent. 3. Computers are now an important part of everything; without them, the modern world will stop. 4. She was sitting there doing nothing. 5. The group of researchers has been analyzing the results of the experiment for a week. 6. They have set up a laboratory that designs laser systems for environmental control. 7. A lot of effort has been made to develop standards for data acquisition and processing.


25.02.2020, 17:06
Мы не выполняем домашние задания. Напишите на почту hasmik@rambler.ru, может сможем вам помочь.
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