Консультация № 194824
28.02.2019, 14:23
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Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи в следующем вопросе:
Задайте пять типов вопросов к следующим предложениям.

1. Mike usually goes to work by bus.

2. They arrived in Paris late at night.


Старший Модератор
04.03.2019, 01:45
это ответ
Здравствуйте, qazxswedc!

Общий вопрос:

1. Does Mike usually go to work by bus?
2. Did they arrive in Paris late at night?

Разделительный вопрос:

1. Mike usually goes to work by bus, doesn't he?
2. They arrived in Paris late at night, didn't they?

Вопрос к подлежащему:

1. Who usually goes to work by bus?
2. Who arrived in Paris late at night?

Специальный вопрос:

1. Where does Mike usually go to by bus?
What does Mike usually go by to work?
2. Where did they arrive in late at night?
When did they arrive in Paris?

Альтернативный вопрос:

1. Does Mike usually go to work by bus or on foot?
2. Did they arrive in Paris late at night or early in the morning?
Форма ответа