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30.05.2013, 22:16
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30.05.2013, 22:19
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The human is a fallen angel sometimes thinking back on the sky
31.05.2013, 06:21
31.05.2013, 17:43

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31.05.2013, 06:38
31.05.2013, 06:45
Здравствуйте, Alexander Babich! Просьба исправить ошибки в переводе по медицине, перевод только на 2 листа , с учётом клише:

Issue of the subject. According to official statistics 25-30% of women over 35 years old are affected by uterine fibroids, in recent years desease most often occurs at the early age. Until recently over 50% of women with uterine fibroids have been surgically treated in gynecological hospitals which caused irreversible infertility, loss of menstrual function, evident hormonal, vegetovascular disorders and depression .

The following risk factors may increase the risk of uterine fibroid: later menarche, heavy menstrual bleeding, a higher rate of therapeutic abortions, presence of extragenital (particularly cardiovascular) pathology and gynecological diseases.
According to literary facts and information about the combination of uterine fibroids with extragenital deseases 64 % of women are obese, cardiovascular diseases affect 60% of people, 40 % of patients with uterine fibroids have gastrointestinal abnormalities and hepatic complications, 19% - primary hypertension, 11% - neuroses and neurosis-like disorders, endocrinopathy occurs in 4, 5% of cases. Risk estimation is concerned with the women who have a genetic predisposition to the development of fibroids.
The current situation in the field of gynecological morbidity that affects reproductive health of the population and requires careful consideration in search of new solutions in the field of prevention of inflammatory diseases of small pelvic organs among women. Despite of a large number of researches devoted to the problems of rendering medical assistance to the women with uterine fibroids; questions of social factors and health risk factors are not sufficientlly developed particulally at the regional level, that prevent the development of the proper tactical and strategical plans for the prevention and treatment of the existing pathology . The above-mentioned facts gave cause for planning of the present thesis ( research).
The aim of this research is to develop scientifically based proposals on how to improve quality in the health care system for women with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis on basis of predictive modeling taking into account individual medico-social risk factors.

Research tasks include:
1. The development program of complex medico-social research questions for women with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis.
2. Comparative analysis of the incidence of uterine myoma and adenomiosis at the federal, regional and provincial level.
3. the study of medico-social characteristics, … factors affecting disease development and its severity.

4. the main risk factors that determine if a fibroid and adenomiosis lead to symptoms and problems.
5. creation of models to predict the disease at the individual level modeling at individual level to predict the disease
6. estimation of the main ways of preventive measures of early sign of uterine fibroids and adenomiosis( on the early development of uterine fibroids )
7. development of scientifically based recommendations for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma and adenomyosis taking into account individual medical social characteristics.
The studied phenomena include incidence (of uterine cancer (fibroid) and adenomyosis) , medicobiologic(al) and social-hygienic risk factors for uterine fibroids and adenomyosis and rendering medical aid to patients with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis.

• Objects of research include contingent of patients with uterine myoma and adenomyosis taking into account their medico-social characteristics
Methods of research include statistical, expert analyses, modeling and prediction of disease.
The means used include sociological questionnaires, primary medical (statistical) reporting documentation, personal computer with software.

The novelty of research includes (consists in the following): for the first time research plans of medical conditions for patients with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis at the regional level, detection of the main medico -social factors affected their morbidity; defining the main directions for the individual prevention of uterine fibroids and adenomiosis; creation of computer database for health monitoring of sick women with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis taking into account their their medico-social characteristics .
Annual stages of the research:
Studies of the year 2013 include working out of methods of investigation, planning and investigation programms, the study of literature, working out of sociological questionnaires and their copying.
Studies of the year 2014 deals with information gathering for the study programm of incidences (of uterine cancer (fibroid) with adenomyosis, statistical data software and its analysis, assessment and study … the degree of the risk factos influence on the incidence of the desease in women, creation of mathematical models and algorithms according to the purposes and objectives of the study.
Studies of the year 2015 concern the realization of the study results in health practice
31.05.2013, 06:50
https://rfpro.ru/upload/9359 ссылка к аннотации титульный лист
01.06.2013, 13:19
Просьба проверить перевод статьи

Issue of the subject. According to the official statistics 25-30% of women over 35 years old are affected by uterine fibroids, recently this desease most often occurs at the early ages. Recently over 50% of women with uterine fibroids have been surgically treated in gynecological hospitals which caused irreversible infertility, loss of menstrual function, evident hormonal, vegetovascular disorders and depression .

The following risk factors may increase the risk of uterine fibroid: later menarche, heavy menstrual bleeding, a higher rate of therapeutic abortions, presence of extragenital (particularly cardiovascular) pathology and gynecological diseases.
According to the literary facts and information about the combination of uterine fibroids with extragenital deseases 64 % of women are obese, cardiovascular diseases affect 60% of people, 40 % of patients with uterine fibroids have gastrointestinal abnormalities and hepatic complications, 19% - primary hypertension, 11% - neuroses and neurosis-like disorders, endocrinopathy occurs in 4, 5% of cases. Risk estimation is concerned with the women who have a genetic predisposition to the development of fibroids.
The current situation in the field of gynecological morbidity that affects reproductive health of the population and requires careful consideration in search of new solutions in the field of prevention of inflammatory diseases of small pelvic organs among women. Despite of a large number of researches devoted to the problems of rendering medical assistance to the women with uterine fibroids; questions of social and health risk factors are not sufficientlly developed, particulally at the regional level, that prevent the development of the proper tactical and strategical plans for the prevention and treatment of the existing pathology . The above-mentioned facts gave cause for planning of the present thesis ( research).
The aim of this research is to develop scientifically based proposals on how to improve quality in the health care system for women with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis on basis of predictive modeling taking into account individual medico-social risk factors.

Research tasks include:
1. The development program of complex medico-social research questions for women with a combination of uterine myoma and adenomyosis.
2. Comparative analysis of the incidence of uterine myoma and adenomiosis at the federal, regional and provincial level.
3. the study of medico-social characteristics, … factors affecting disease development and its severity.

4. the main risk factors that determine if a fibroid and adenomiosis lead to symptoms and problems.
5. creation of models to predict the disease at the individual level modeling at individual level to predict the disease
6. estimation of the main ways of preventive measures of early sign of uterine fibroids and adenomiosis( on the early development of uterine fibroids )
7. development of scientifically based recommendations for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma and adenomyosis taking into account individual medical social characteristics.
The studied phenomena include incidence (of uterine cancer (fibroid) and adenomyosis) , medicobiologic(al) and social-hygienic risk factors for uterine fibroids and adenomyosis and rendering medical aid to patients with these deseases. (uterine fibroids and adenomiosis).

• Objects of research include the contingent of patients with uterine myoma and adenomyosis taking into account their medico-social characteristics
Methods of research include statistical, expert analyses, modeling and prediction of disease.
The means used include sociological questionnaires, primary medical (statistical) reporting documentation, personal computer with software.

The novelty of research includes (consists in the following): for the first time research plans of medical conditions for patients with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis at the regional level, detection of the main medico -social factors affected their morbidity; defining the main directions for the individual prevention of uterine fibroids and adenomiosis; creation of computer database for health monitoring of sick women with uterine fibroids and adenomiosis taking into account their their medico-social characteristics .
Annual stages of the research:
Studies of the year 2013 include working out of investigation methods, planning and investigation programms, the study of literature, working out of sociological questionnaires and their copying.
Studies of the year 2014 deals with information gathering for the study programm of incidences /// with a combination of uterine myoma and adenomyosis, statistical data software and its analysis, assessment and study … the degree of the risk factos influence on the incidence of the desease in women, creation of mathematical models and algorithms according to the purposes and objectives of the study.
Studies of the year 2015 concern the realization of the study results in health practice

outcome report presentation/ the presentation of the outcome report, thesis- preliminary presentation/ a preliminary presentation of the thesis and a proper presentation of the thesis.
The anticipated outcomes relate to the efficiency improvement of treatment and preventive measures for patients with a combination of uterine myoma and adenomyosis due to the study results introduction in healthcare practice.

A possible field of application deals with the development of a comprehensive regional preventive health care programme.
Forms of implementation include publications, speeches, recommendations, circulars.
The level of implementation is regional.
Stages of implementation

In 2013 it is planned the introduction of publications according to the literature review and research technique./ Publications according to the literature review and research technique will be introduced in 2013./
Publications according to the results of statistical treatment of materials research/study/// will be introduced in 2014.
Publications according to the detected risk factors , publication of methodological recommendations, discussion of the results of the study in the scientific – practical conferences, report design and presentation of the thesis are planned to work out in 2015.
The integration of research is not provided.
The subject is not protеctable.
Patent information search is conducted in accordance with the State Standars .

Aspirant: Kudinova N. N.
Scientific adviser,
candidate of medical sciences, professor Chesnokov P. E.

State Educational Budjet Institution of Higher Professional Education “Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy”
of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Department of Public Health , economics and health care management
of the Institute of Additional Professional Education (IAPE) of VSMA
named after N.N. Burdenko

thesis summary
for the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences
“Application of modern means of medical care efficiency to patients with a combination of uterine myoma and adenomyosis based on / health care/ predictive modeling taking into account social and health risk factors ”
Speciality: 14.02.03 - Public health and health care services
Scientific adviser,
candidate of medical Sciences, professor Chesnokov P. E.

Preformed by aspirant of the Department of public health , economics and health care management Kudinova Natalya Nikolaevna

Term dates: January 2013 – December 2015
Heard and discussed at the meeting of the problem Commission on the “___th_” of ________ 2012 , protocol № _____

Approved at the meeting of of the Academic Council of Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy of the “___th” of _________2012, protocol № ____.

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