Консультация № 65222
02.12.2006, 14:04
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Дорогие эксперты,
Простите мою невежественность, но вопрос такой:
Хочу скачать кое-какой архив вот по этой ссылке
Но впервые сталкиваюсь с up-file.com, до того имел дело только с rapidshare.de, там все понятно. Подскажите куда надо кликнуть, чтоб началась загрузка? Мне давали также прямую ссылку (http://s14.up-file.com/download3/cd902f482239_a3fuvqf53ag75r1e/GEO.zip), но она выдает Please try download againPlease try download again. Attention you should use static IP to download files.
В общем помогите скачать информацию.
Уповаю на Вас.


Старший Модератор
02.12.2006, 14:26
это ответ
Здравствуйте, BillyBob!

По первой ссылке - http://up-file.com/download/cd902f482239/GEO.zip.html

Нажимаете мышкой на один из пяти флагов (выбор языка) .
Увидите такие слова: GEO.zip File size: 19.13 Mb Description: ( )
Пролистываете страничку вниз, видите такую фразу: <b>Download Link: File preparation: … Please wait …8 seconds</b> (не успела увидеть, сколько секунд ждать)

Единственное, что неудобно - шрифт мелковат, и нужно вглядываться в текст, чтобы данную фразу разглядеть...

Затем будет фраза:
<b>Download Link: Click here to start download…</b>
Нажимаете мышкой, и закачка пошла…

По второй ссылке –

Действительно появляется фраза «Please try download againPlease try download again. Attention you should use static IP to download files». Если нажать «Click here», то
Попадаете на первую ссылку, которую Вы упомянули в своем вопросе…

02.12.2006, 15:35
Не удалось найти надписи Download Link: Click here to start download… Таймер тоже не запускается. :(((Вот все, что написанно на странице :File: GEO.zipFile size: 19.13 MbDescription: ( ) Before downloading of file, please read how you can earn money with help of Forex Club What is Forex.Forex, or Foreign Exchange, is the simultaneous exchange of one country`s currency for that of another. Speculators in the FX market wish to purchase or sell one currency for another with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies changes in favor of the investor, whether from market news or events that take place in the world. The Forex market has become the world`s largest financial market, with over $1.9 trillion USD being traded on a daily basis. It is part of the bank-to-bank currency market known as the Interbank market. The 24-hour Interbank market literally follows the sun around the world, moving from major banking centers of the United States to Australia, New Zealand to the Far East, to Europe then back to the United States. This is your link to file ,Unlimited speed for all Download Link:Send AbuseADD comments Special action register and try to download this file as premium user Also Up-file.com Recommended try to use our Image hosting 5pix.net Market HoursThe spot FX market is unique to any other market in the world, as trading is available 24-hours a day. Somewhere around the world, a financial center is open for business, and banks and other institutions exchange currencies, every hour of the day and night with generally only minor gaps on the weekend. Essentially foreign exchange markets follow the sun around the world, giving traders the flexibility of determining their trading day.Market Participants Until recently, the Forex market wasn`t accessible to the retail trader or individual speculator. With the large minimum transaction sizes and often-stringent financial requirements, banks, hedge funds, major currency dealers and the occasional high net-worth individual speculator were the principal participants. These large traders were able to take advantage of the many benefits offered by the Forex market versus other markets - including vast liquidity, 24-hour market access, and the strong trending nature of the world`s primary currency exchange rates. How market hours work:Time Zone New York GMT Tokyo Open 7:00 PM 0:00 Tokyo Close 4:00 AM 9:00 London Open 3:00 AM 8:00 London Close 12:00 PM 17:00 NY Open 8:00 AM 13:00 NY Close 5:00 PM 22:00 Trade with the `Big Boys` FX Universal - with its extensive network of relationships in the FX market, is now able to offer smaller transactional sizes (as small as 1000 units) and allow traders of almost any size, including individual speculators or smaller companies, the opportunity to trade the same rates and price movements as the large players who once dominated the Forex market. If you find illegal content then Please send abuse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is UP-FILE ?UP-FILE - is an online one click free hosting for any of your needs.There is no registration and no fees.There is nothing to install and there is no special adware or spyware required.All you need for it to start working is your browser.We shall host your files for any amount of time and totally for free, until you will not need them.A file can be up to 1000 Mb. HOME | FORUM | REPORT ABUSE | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS OF SERVICE | FEEDBACK
02.12.2006, 15:39
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