Консультация № 112095
03.12.2007, 05:23
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На соответствующем разделе молчат - может здесь кто знает- подскажите.

У меня VMware 5.x.

При запуске машины (start VM) вылазит:
VMware Workstation has measured your CPU speed to be 2200 MHz, but Windows reports that it is 2000 MHz. This may mean that your computer has a power-saving feature that varies the processor speed. As a result, the clock in your virtual machine may run too fast or too slow.

For a workaround, please refer to the VMware knowledge base article at:
Your host‘s BIOS does not have valid NUMA information.Please update the host‘s BIOS or associate the virtual machine with the processors in a single NUMA node (CEC). Please read VMware Knowledge Base articles 928 and 1236.

Что делать - подскажите пожалуйста .


03.12.2007, 05:43
это ответ
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