Консультация № 179418
06.07.2010, 14:16
0.00 руб.
06.07.2010, 14:21
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Здравствуйте Уважаемые эксперты. У меня вопрос по игре Serious Sam: The Second Encounter 1.07.
Скачал я вчера Serious Sam sdk 1.07(свободно роспространяемые исходники).
И вот. В Help-е Serious Editor можно перейти в пункт Serious Sam SDK и там сказано о папках, где, что должно храниться.
Но я сколько не пробовал перевести всегда возникали ошибки при построении проекта в Visual Studio 2008 C++.
Я хотел построить Entities.dll и иногда жаловалось на ecc сразу же. Иногда все файлі с расширением *.es проходило, компилировало. А потом что-то жаловалось на Engine...
В общем проблема в следующем - не могу все правильно по нужным папкам разбросать.
Если кто знает как это сделать - подскажите пожалуйста.

Вот какие имеются архивы:


06.07.2010, 14:24
Вы бы выложили текст help-а, или дали ссылку на эту sdk.
06.07.2010, 14:37
Ссылка на SDK(5.3 MB).
А вот сам Help из Serious Editor:
Цитата: "Serious Editor"
Required Tools
[Win32 specific]

VisualC++ 6.0 w/ sp3
This will be the compiler, debugger and editor, both for the game and engine executables and for the classes.
[/Win32 specific]

Entity Class Compiler (ecc.exe)
Ecc is used for compiling the entity class sources (.es) into .cpp files which are in turn compiled by the cpp compiler to get the final binary code. Ecc comes in a binary form with a complete distribution of engine, and should be located in the Bin\ directory of the engine dir.
[licensees only]

Parser generator tools (flex and bison)
You do not need these unless you will recompile the engine itself, or the ecc.
[/licensees only]

Directories and Path Settings
While all the data and executables must reside in the engine directory, sources have their independent directory tree. They all reside in a directory that we will refer to as 'sources directory', or sources dir. The sources dir is always separate from the engine dir (e.g. D:\Work\Sources\ being my sources dir, while D:\Work\SeriousSam\ is my engine dir).
In the sources dir, each project has its own subdirectory, named by that project. The sources are compiled there as usual, while the last stage in project building must always include copying the final binaries to the Bin\ (or Bin\Debug\) directory in the engine dir.
To enable access to the sources and binaries from the makefiles, you must have the following environment variables and settings set up:

[Win32 specific]
You should set the ENGINE_DIR in your global environment (using autoexec.bat on Win9x, or SystemProperties control panel under WinNT) and adjust the rest in the 'Directories' tab under Tools/Options in VisualC++.
[/Win32 specific]

1) ENGINE_DIR env var must point to the engine directory (e.g. 'D:\Work\SeriousSam'). Do not put the trailing backslash here.

2) Include file path must be set to include both the engine dir and the sources dir. (e.g. D:\Work\Sources; D:\Work\SeriousSam). The sources dir must be here, because all the includes are specified relatively to the sources dir, and the engine dir must be here because automatically generated header files for models are put in the same directory where the models are.

3) Library file path must include Bin\ and Bin\Debug\ subdirectories of the engine dir (e.g. D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin; D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin\Debug). Link libraries for the engine and game dlls are put there.

4) Executable file path must include Bin\ subdirectory of the engine dir (e.g. D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin). This is because the build requires access to the Entity Class Compiler (ecc.exe) which is located there.

[licencees only]
Also, if you will rebuild the engine binaries itself, you must add one more directory to the executable path: the directory where you have installed parser generator tools - Flex and Bison.
[/licencees only]

Project Hierarchy
(only those parts relevant for changing are described, this excludes the editors for now)

Ecc builds the Entity Class Compiler executable. It is the base project and does not depend on anything.
Engine is the dll containing most of the engine's code, including base support, graphics, sound, input, rendering, networking, built-in classes etc. But it does not contain any GUI elements. It depends on Ecc because some built-in classes are compiled using Ecc.
Entities dll is a package containing all the classes used in Serious Sam. Classes can be separated across many different dlls, and any custom classes will most certainly be in some separate dlls. Depends on Engine and on Ecc.
Game dll contains code of the game that is run both from SeriousSam.exe and from the WorldEditor. This enables embedded game testing. Game takes care of all the game management including: starting a game, managing network connecting, loading, saving, managing game controls, game-specific rendering options etc. Buit it does not contain any GUI elements. It is just a small dll, since it relies heavily on Engine for carrying out these tasks. Game dll only calls specific functions from the Engine. Depends on Engine and on Entities.
SeriousSam builds the main game executables whose main task is to load the Game dll, open a window any provide menu management. It relays all of the game management to the Game dll, Engine dll and entities. Depends on Engine, Game and Entitites.
EngineGUI is a dll containing those parts of the engine that rely on the Windows GUI. This is available only under Win32, and is used only by the editors. Depends on Engine.
GameGUI is a dll containing the part of game with a few customizable dialogs that WorldEditor. This is available only under Win32, and is used only by the editors. Depends on Engine and on Game.

[licencees only]
Also, if you will rebuild the engine binaries itself, you must add one more directory to the executable path: the directory where you have installed parser generator tools - Flex and Bison.
[/licencees only]

А вот собственно и самого SDK:
Цитата: SDK

1. What is this?

This archive contains a portion of SeriousSam sources and some additional executables. The files included are intended to be used for game modification (Mod) development. To be able to use this, you will need a full retail version of Serious Sam and a copy VisualC++6.0 installed. Only programmers will need this, this is not needed for modeling, mapping and texturing.

The general contents of the zips are:
SDK_xxxIncludes.zip - header files, templates and libraries used for compiling and linking your mod code
SDK_xxxDebugBinaries.zip - debug versions of exes, dlls and libs, useful for debugging your mod
SDK_xxxModels.zip - autogenerated header files and ini files for models. you could generate this by re-saving each model from the modeler, but it is simpler to just unzip this.
SDK_xxxEntities.zip - this contains original sources of Game.dll, Entities.dll and GameGUI.dll from SeriousSam. you should be able to rebuild the originals using this package. it is provided as a starting point for building a mod. recompile the originals and then start tweaking.

2. How do I use this?

Follow the instructions in the SDK Help provided with the full version. For further help, go to the Seriously! Forums, there are sections about mod development and programming. You can find them at http://www.seriouscommunity.com. Please, *PLEASE*, do not mail us directly about stuff like this. If you have any problem with the SDK, ask a question at the forums. Both Croteam members, and a lot of other people proficient with the engine will be there to help you. That way, everyone will be able to hear the answers, and we won't have to reexplain everything a hundred times. Thanks.
06.07.2010, 19:33
А вы все директории добавили, как указано в пункте "Directories and Path Settings"?
И выложите лог ошибок.
06.07.2010, 20:00
Дело в том, что я не до конца разобрался с теми директориями. Вот как я понял то, что там написано:
1) ENGINE_DIR env var must point to the engine directory (e.g. 'D:\Work\SeriousSam'). Do not put the trailing backslash here.

Я это понял так что из следующей директории:

все файлы необходимо скопировать в D:\Program Files\Croteam\Serious Sam - The Second Encounter

2) Include file path must be set to include both the engine dir and the sources dir. (e.g. D:\Work\Sources; D:\Work\SeriousSam). The sources dir must be here, because all the includes are specified relatively to the sources dir, and the engine dir must be here because automatically generated header files for models are put in the same directory where the models are.

Это я понял как то, что необходимо все 3 папки с SDK107_EntitiesSE.zip скопировать в D:\Program Files\Croteam\Serious Sam - The Second Encounter.
3) Library file path must include Bin\ and Bin\Debug\ subdirectories of the engine dir (e.g. D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin; D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin\Debug). Link libraries for the engine and game dlls are put there.

Это я понял как то, что файлы типа *.lib из снимка к первому пункту необходимо скопировать как в SeriousSam\Bin так и в SeriousSam\Bin\Debug.

4) Executable file path must include Bin\ subdirectory of the engine dir (e.g. D:\Work\SeriousSam\Bin). This is because the build requires access to the Entity Class Compiler (ecc.exe) which is located there.

Этот пункт я понял как то, что необходимо все с SDK107_DebugBinaries.zip скопировать в папку SeriousSam\Bin

Но тем не менее, мне кажется что я в чем то ошибся.
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